Dumb ass people...

18 1 0

Yep dumb ass people

Fucking hate them all as usual 

Stupid teacher is a dumb ass cause what she says.

"Oh you have to put them in order" she says

"They have to be 3 files" she says

"Read what the book tells you" she says

Well i say fuck it. Idc anymore about teachers and i hope shes gone for all i care.

I turned it all in, order and all yet she still says its not. 

Then i tell her she makes no fucking sense

Tho she tells me saying im not doing it right

Well yknow what??

Fuck her and her logics or however you spell the damn word.

If im not answering back or anything, dont get pissy with me and it aint my fault anyways.

Also i might not even be having wattpad anymore so whatever.


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