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Okie so I have a job, my first job and it's the 4th day working.
Sooo it's fun because I communicate with our customers.
Giving them greetings and smiles while complimenting on what they buy or wear or even the cute little kids.
Though it's a fun environment today it felt creepy😰
A 52 year old man(looks 52) was sitting in the front of the store.
I was like "oh he must be waiting for his wife or something " but yea I was wrong.
This man was sitting there for over 30 minutes and tbh in a small store it doesn't take that long to get what you need.
So I walked past him like ten to fifteen times and I caught him staring at my        A$$ and at the managers a$$.
I couldn't say anything because tbh I was out the door and I'm sure that the manager noticed him.
So yea gotta a creepy old man staring at my a$$. *drinks some eggnog*
I'm out bye

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