Part 3 - Neighbours?

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While Savannah walks out of the school then she suddenly hear a voice.

"Savannah!" she hear and turns around. "Savannah!"

Savannah turnes around and smile because she sees that it is Marcus and Martinus walking behind her.

"Hey you two" Savannah says.

Savannah stops walking and takes out her earplugs from her ears.

Marcus and Martinus walks up to Savannah.

"You are the new girl, right?" Martinus says.

"Yeah, thats me" Savannah answers and smile.

They all start to walk home again.

"Youre name is Savannah?" Martinus says.

"Yes" Savannah says.

"What a beautiful name" Martinus says and smiles.

Savannah smiles back.

"This is where i live" Savannah says and points to her house.

"Really" Marcus says.

"Yes, really" Savannah says.

"Me and Martinus just live 5 houses down the road" he says and points. "Do you see the white house down there beside the red house?"

Savannah looks down the road. "Yeah, i can see it. Do you live there? Thats awesome!"

"Yes, we live there" Marcus says and smiles.

Savannah smiles back. "Well, i have something to do now. See you later then. Bye!" Savannah says and starts to go towards her house.

"Bye" Marcus and Martinus says.

When Savannah comes inside her house she walks in her room to put her school bag there. She changed to some comfy clothes and then she walk down.

"How was your first day at school?" Mom says

"It was just fine. Did you know that thoose two boys, Marcus and Martinus goes to my school?" Savannah says and looks happy.

"Whaaattt? Do they?" Mom says and looks shocked.

"Yeah, and guess what... they are in the same class as me" Savannah says and smiles.

"Well, thats so cool" mom says and smiles back. "The dinner is soon done. Today we are going to have vegatable soup for dinner"

"Yummy" Savannah says. "Im just gonna go up to my room with my phone" Savannah says and walks up to her room.

When she comes up to her room then she check her phone. She checks all of her social medias.

Suddenly she...

The next part will come on monday.

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