Chapter 9- Murder

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❤️A note from the mind of Horror❤️- Sorry for such a slow update! I'm really kicking myself for that. Writer's block and camp stopped me from being able to write. But I'm back now! Here you go! Enjoy!


I awoke.

    Or at least, I think I did.

    Everything was blurry, and colors flowed together like water poured on a painting. I tried to get up, but I couldn't move. That was when I remembered Siji.

    Since I couldn't move, I tried to listen. I couldn't hear anything, except a slight ringing. Or maybe that ringing was the sound of nothing. Voices slowly drifted into my hearing capabilities, and I heard an angered voice.

    "We can't stay here anymore! It's dangerous to trust her!" they argued. "You saw what happened out there. A lot of the members of Squad 119 wound up dead because of her."

"It wasn't her fault!" Another voice, this one pleading. "She didn't choose to let her out! She never does! And Amelia has never hurt us! How can she say that she ever will?"

"Amelia is a virus that Clarissa refuses to admit exists." A stern voice, yet a worried voice. "We can't trust her if she won't even accept what she is."

"She's not a virus, she's human! Amelia is the virus! Can't you tell the difference?"

"We can't trust her anymore, Sam!" the angered voice shot back. "So many of our friends are dead because of her, and now she's killing other members of other squads! We can't trust her!"

"She didn't kill Grace," the other voice spoke. The ringing returned, and I wondered if I was alone. My vision had slowly focused, and when I shifted my eyes I saw Magdalena, Sam, and Logan standing to my right.

    "Whatever," Logan replied. "Just watch him," they said, glacing at me. "Clarissa's going to be watching him for a while." Logan walked out, leaving Sam, Magdalena, and I alone in the medical ward. I sat up on the bed I was lying on, and Magdalena walked over to me to help me sit up. I assured her I was fine and sat up fully. We sat in silence for a while, and I was unsure why the atmosphere of the room was so tense.

"What's going on?" I asked eventually. "Logan said something about Hamada watching me for a while. What's that about?"

"This is your second battle ina row where you've passed out due to blood loss and have almost died from wounds," Sam replied. "It's clear that you don't know much about fighting, so Clari generously offered to teach you." Her strain on the word 'generously' was a little unnerving. I nodded.

"What happened during the battle?" I asked. "Hamada lost control of Amelia, right? And then Jared ran after her, trying to kill her, and he grabbed her sword which burned him...? I don't remember much before I passed out-"

    "Just shut up, will you?" Sam snapped. She had genuine anger in her eyes. But also fear and sadness. But the fear in her eyes wasn't as strong as everyone else's. "You have no right to judge her like that! And you have no right to ask questions without caring!"

    "I... I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't mean..." Idiot, how could you not realize how rude that was?! How could you be so clueless? Magdalena swallowed.

    "Most of Squad 119 is dead. Jared survived with severe burns when he attempted to grab Clarissa's sword, but he suspects that Amelia enhanced the amount it would hurt him because she wanted to kill him." Magdalena sighed. "Jared has now spread rumors that Clarissa murdered Squad 119 at Siji."

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