That hesitant call

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"Happy birthday!"
Theo jumped, his hazel eyes sparkling
"Oh, thank you so much Ryan!"
Ryan smiled, thrusting a present into Theo's arms, Theo grinning.
"Your too kind"
Ryan smiled, Theo's twinkling eyes throwing him into sweet abyss


I was scared.
Theo hadn't spoken to me for a while and I was scared. I knew what Leon does to Theo. I knew that well. I need to call him. My hand reached out for my bedside table. My head throbbing after constant thinking.
I sigh in relief as the quivering voice rung through the phone
"Hey, Theo. It's Ryan. I was wondering it you were free today"
I could hear shuffling on the other end
"I-I'm sorry, Leon said-"
"Fuck Leon. If he's not here so he won't know."
I cut him off. I didn't mean to sound so menacing. I remember Theo telling me Leon wouldn't be back for a while.
"U-um... I guess..."
I grin and start getting up.
"Ok, I'll come over now!"
I hear him giggle on the other side. God, that giggle sent waves of happiness down my being.
"Ok.. I'll see you in five minutes?"
I hold the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I struggle to put my shoes on.
"Y-yeah, see you then!"
I hung up and put on my shoes, quickly tying them and sprinting out the door to my small bungalow. Down to the junction, left, strait, right, there. Ok.

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