Chapter 29

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~The Next Day*

"Drake get up." Shay shook Aubrey until his eyes opened.

Aubrey sat up and rubbed his hands over his face. He had finally gotten over his high and memories of yesterday flooded his mind. He pieced it together, and realized Riley left. 

"First off, do you know where Ri is?" She asked. He shook his head.

"She left last night cause she was mad." She nodded.

"Well she took a car and I kinda need it." She told him. "But Combeir wants you. Get dressed and go down okay?" He got out of the bed and threw some clothes on. Aubrey really didn't know where Riley could be and it really wasn't like her not come home. He sighed and walked down the stairs and into Combier's office. He had a few papers on the desk and was writing some things down. He walked over and sat in the chair and he looked up.

"I don't have that much time so I'm gonna try and make this quick." He told Aubrey. He was a little worried. "I was talking to a few of the pimps about you."  Aubrey gulped, he really didn't know what he did but it couldn't have been good. "Well what we were thinking was that you could get in the game. Of course it would be until you turned 18 but we were all thinking you could learn the ropes." Aubrey thought over it for a moment. It really didn't sound that bad, he really liked the house and everything. "You would get your own mansion and we could start you with a few girls. I'm sure you can find your own girls soon enough."

"I'll do it." He told him. Combeir looked surprised, maybe the fact he'd agreed so easily.

"Wel-" Ryan was cut short by a knock. "Come in." Shay entered the room, she looked worried. She walked over to Ryan and whispered in his ear. 

"They found one of our cars." She said so Aubrey couldn't hear. "The one Riley took out, the keys were still in it and one door was open. Riley's not around either." She backed away and waited for his reaction. He didn't do anything for a moment, he sighed then stood.

"You guys are coming." He ordered. Aubrey was confused but stood anyway and went to get some shoes. He walked back down and out to the car, where he climbed in the back.

"What's going on?" He asked as Ryan started driving. They explained everything Shay had just told him. "She wouldn't do something like that, I mean just leave."

"I know." Shay ran her finger's through her hair. 

"D-do you think someone got her? I mean do people go after pimps for revenge?" He mumbled, Ryan eyed him in the mirror.

"They would have had to have been keeping close watch on me, I didn't put her in any danger." He responded. "If anything it would have been Shay." She nodded in agreement. 

They drove in silence until they reached the car. There were two police cars parked by it. Police weren't really any of the pimps best friends, they knew what they did but knew better than to mess with them. They had a unspoken agreement, they wouldn't meddle in their business as long as the pimps didn't cause problems. 

Ryan got out of the car and talked to two police officers. He called Aubrey over to explain what had happened the night before.

"She was a little mad and decided to take a drive to think about it, I guess." Aubrey told the police. "But she's not the type to just wonder off."

"This does sound like a kidnap case, I don't anyone would leave a car this expensive open and all belongings inside. Plus she's not 18, we have to investigate. We'll tell you guys if we get any leads." They nodded and walked back to the car.

"What did he say?" Shay asked once they got in.

"They would call us if something happened." Ryan told her. After that the rest of the ride was filled with silence, everyone left to their thoughts.


Riley slowly opened her eyes. Her head felt like it was 100 pounds, her eyes felt swollen shut, and she felt like she was gonna throw up. 

"She's up." Someone said. She used all her energy to left her head and see who it was. It was a unfamiliar man. "Hey Riley." Riley tried to  move when she realized she was tied to a chair. She tried to speak but her mouth felt like sandpaper. "You don't have to speak baby." He grinned. She looked around for the person he had been talking to before and saw no one. She groaned.

"You may be wondering who I am, maybe where you are? Oh hold on, maybe what I want?" Riley took another look at him. He was attractive, his skin was light, he looked 21 maybe a even younger. "Well am I right?" She nodded. "I want to hear you." He ordered.

"Yes." She got past her scratchy throat.

"Well, I'm Israel." He told Riley. "I'm a pimp, but I just don't associate with the others. They've caught on by now, I need their secrets, and well you're gonna give them to me." He smiled.

"I don't know anything." Riley told him.

"I've watched you, you know some shit." He paced around the room. "I could've picked anyone, but you just so happed to be an easy target. And plus you're just so sexy." He licked his lips. Riley groaned, she knew he was gonna try some shit on her. "Riley, if you wanna act like you don't know, then we can do this the hard way. I really don't wanna do shit to you." He came close to her and lifted her face with his finger. "I can be mean, you know. I mean I really like you so I don't wanna." He leaned over and kissed her. She pulled her face back once their lips touched. 

"Don't touch me." She yelled. He chuckled. 

"Feisty I see." He ran his hands up and down her thighs. "That's just how I like them. But too bad I can do what I want to you." He was about to speak again when the door opened.

Riley sat for a moment, wondering who it was. Once she saw, all the air left her lungs.


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