Chapter 2

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I woke up really happy the next morning and surprisingly not that tired, "Hey Rebeka why do u look so happy" Mum asked me really weirdly, she never seems to be interested in me and my life. I ignored her because I did not want to start getting into a long conversation, cause god knows how long id be there. Breakfast was a blast I got a bacon sandwich is my favourite thing to eat ever and Sarah did not have to be there. Mum and Dad were getting ready to leave on their honey moon which meant I had to start getting ready for Aaliyahs, I had no idea what to pack but I guess I never know what to pack wherever I am going. I finally was ready to leave the house but remembered I was going to be there alone with Shawn so I had to make sure I made myself look presentable because I would not want him to see me looking like I just woke up.

We arrived at Aaliyah's house and I began to feel really awkward because I felt like it would be rude to just go into to house without her being there, so I decided to call her to make sure it was ok one last time. "Rebeka it is fine you are allowed in my house" she must have already known what I was going to ask. "a-are you sure" I started muttering I never mutter, what was happening. Aaliyah hung up on me and said I was being a wuss and my parents had already left so I had to man up and knock on the door, I was taking the smallest possible stairs up to the door but there was no point because Shawn had seen me arrive and opened the door for me "you must be Rebeka, Aaliyah told me you'd be coming early" I was so nervous because I was talking to Shawn. We eventually got inside the house and shawn showed me where everything I needed was. "now if u need me or anything I will be upstairs" Shawn told me as I sat down. I put on the TV and Riverdale was on, Shawn must have liked Riverdale or something because all of a sudden he was on the couch next to me.

"Hey Rebeka" I heard from behind me, Aaliyah was back from hockey training and I was so happy because it wasn't awkward anymore, she took me up to her room where we were going to have the slumber party. We finished setting all the sparkly decorations we had and Aaliyah brought in a bag full of onesies that she had bought for tonight. while we were waiting for the other girls to arrive, Aaliyah and I played truth or dare all of the questions were pretty normal like what is in the average truth or dare game but then Aaliyah mentioned Shawn and why he was on the couch with me, I literally froze on the spot because I did not want her knowing that I had the hugest crush on him. "I was watching Riverdale and he just joined me", "ok good because he's a dickhead and I don't want you getting under his influences".

It was 4:00 now and everyone had arrived and we were having so much fun jumping around listening to music stalking hot guys and everything else 14-year-old girls do. We decided to watch a movie but didn't know what type so we did a vote and it was horror movies that won and I hate horror movies. Aaliyah also hated horror movies so we both went and got some food to keep us busy, on the way to the kitchen we passed Shawns room he had the door open so saw us walk past, I looked in to see what he was doing and he looked at me and smiled. I could feel my stomach going all weird with happiness.

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