Chapter 4

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I woke up later than everyone else the next day, they were all dancing around downstairs as I was getting up. I was just about to go down and hang with them but Shawn saw me and asked if I wanted to speak to him, I didn't really want to speak to him after what happened last night but I got that excited feeling in my stomach telling me this is your chance take it. I decided to stay with him for a while, the whole time I thought he would ask me about last night and what had happened but instead, he asked me to go make breakfast with him. We were walking down the stairs when Aaliyah noticed I was with Shawn "Rebeka what are u doing with Shawn"  she asked "im" Shawn interrupted me "she's helping me make breakfast because you know how bad I am at that" Shawn chuckled. Shawn and I decided on making pancakes, we made the mixture and started pouring it into the fry pans, "Rebeka look I can flip it" I looked behind me and I saw Shawn trying to flip the pancake, it was the cutest thing I had ever seen I felt like we were the perfect couple making breakfast.

Shawn and I finished making breakfast finally, we called everyone over to the table to eat as me and Shawn handed everything out as if we were working at a fancy restaurant, we even made up a little dance to do at the same time. Everyone was looking at us like we the weirdest people that they had ever seen but I didn't mind as long as I was happy and I was with Shawn. Karen their mum told Shawn and I to sit down and that they would take care of the rest of it, the only spots left at the table were 2 seats next to each other which meant I had to sit next to Shawn. He was being a total dufus the whole time like he was trying to show off to me or something, but I didn't mind because I found it really cute. I must have got caught up in thinking about Shawn because Aaliyah was trying to call my name but I wasn't paying attention "Rebeka Rebeka are u listening" Aaliyah was waving her hands in front of my face "oh yeah sorry I was just thinking about something" I told her.

We all went back upstairs to Aaliyah's room, we weren't really doing much but playing on our phones. I started stalking Shawn's Instagram and accidentally spammed all of his photos, whilst I was looking at his photos I could hear singing coming from his room but it wasn't one of his songs because I knew all of his songs off by heart. I told my friends that I was going to the bathroom but really I went to go Shawn singing and ask him what song it was. He was so beautiful standing there singing, I don't think he noticed me because he kept on going not bothered by me being there, I felt like a proud mother standing there watching him, his voice is just too powerful and beyond amazing for his age. "Oh Rebeka, I didn't notice you there" Shawn sounded surprised, "ah yeah sorry your voice um its just so amazing" I had no idea what I was saying I was just so shy. I wasn't sure if I should leave or keep talking to him, but Shawn decides to start talking "Well I just wrote this song and it's about a very special someone" Shawn had a big smirk on his face "whos the special person?" I asked because I'm a very curious person. Shawn just kept smiling at me without saying anything, and I just started to get weirded out "it's you, Rebeka, you're the special person" I think my heart stopped working right then and there, my stomach got all weird and I could feel my face going all red. "Umm, w-what are u s-serious" I was speechless, my crush wrote a song about me "well whats it called Shawn," I asked "kid in love" Shawn replied.

kid in love ~ S.MWhere stories live. Discover now