Enki The Fallen Divine

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"Wow its so extraordinary i never seen anything like it" eniki said
Looking at a purple rose and writing it down in a journal "hay eniki if you keep looking at that rose then irene will never see that journal of yours" hryi said walking up to him "Oh sorry just that i just love looking at rose with such extraordinary colors" he said well laghing a bit nervous and hryi laghed a little "okay irene said that you were a nerd but i didn't think you like looking at rose" hryi said "h-hay you know that i like staring at other types of flowers besides rose" enki replied "okay by the way before you ask way i'm here it's because irene wants you in the Fields so you can document some stuff about her powers" hryi said "r-really
w-why m-me" he said a bit surprised "did you forget that you are
The Keeper right" hyrai resound "oh ya heh" enki said then walking off to were irene was

"Hay irene" enki said "hello enki may i ask why you took so long" irene said turn around "i ws just writing in my journal" he said holding his book up "i see then we'll can you document what i'm
About to show you" irene said "of course lady Irene i will document anything that has to with my friends and there powers" eniki said opening his book and qill irene laghed on how prepared he was "what it's i like to do" he replied "don't forget you have them to enki" irene said "i know but i just love doing this know may we continue" he replied "Oh yes you see how this flower its dead but if i do this" irene said has her hands start to form a light and the flower is held

"wow this extraordinary and fascinating at the seem time i just can't believe this just wow" enki said all happy that he got to see this breathtaking site "yes i can be able to heal things and when i able to fully control this healing ability then...

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"wow this extraordinary and fascinating at the seem time i just can't believe this just wow" enki said all happy that he got to see this breathtaking site "yes i can be able to heal things and when i able to fully control this healing ability then i can heal us when we get injured" irene said turn around and smiling because she see's someone behind enki she made the signal to be quiet and then she hit enki on the sade and saying "Enki my favorite nerd" irene laghed when see seen enki face when he looked at her it was the face of you knew and you didn't tell me i feel so betrayed "Ow h-hay kel" enki said a bit hurt by the punch "hay enki i fond something that don't know what it is but maybe you know" kel said "i maybe not might want to do that because you hit me" enki said then kel fist were set on fire "OKAY OKAY I'LL GO WITH YOU JUST PPLLEEEAASSEE DON'T HURT ME" enki said well irene and kel both lagh "alright let's go nerd" kel said as her and enki walk off

Kel leeds enki to a lake but instead of it being blue it was black "this what i want to show you do you know what it is" kel said pointing to the the small Lake "there might be something like this somewhere in the archives let me see" enki said then he put both of his hands together and a glow came form him his hair lifting up a little and going back down as the glow stopped and he parted his hands "t-ther's nothing about this sufft that's a bit weird" enki said then he took a step closer to it then turned back to face kel "kel this has never been seen by any other person" enki said "how can that be this must be vry dangerous then came on let's tell irene and the others" kel said "okay" enki said then what ever was in the lake it got on to enki and he screamed in pain kel turned around and saw what was happening then his veins were all showing because what was the black sufft was doing to him "K-KEL H-HLPE I-IT HURTS" enki yelled he was crying kel was trying to hlep him but something came form him that pushed her back "P-PLEASE KEL PLEASE T-THIS H-HURTS" enki screamed in pain he felt like he was going to die more of the black sufft form the lake was covering his body "ENKI DON'T DIE ON ME PLEASE" kel yelled sitll trying to get close to him but she sitll is getting pushed back "ENKI HOLD ON" kel yelled sitll trying "PLEASE IRENE SHAD ESMUND ANYONE HLPE PLEASE I CAN'T TACK IT PLEASE" he cryed out half of his face and body was covered

He fell on the ground screaming in pain kel just could not believe this and it's happening to enki he never experience such pain no one did and to him he a good person and was always there to hlep and she couldn't get to close enough to him then she will just pushed back all she can do was watch as she saw her friend scream in pain and watch him cry his eyes change color "KEL PLEASE IT H-HURTS T-TO MUCH PLEASE" he cryed out once more and when he saw kel face he knew that this was the end he tryed to get up and run away so what ever happens to him he doesn't attack his friends for whatever this sufft is but all he was able was just stand before he screamed again all what was on him soon covered his whole body he screamed more then his body was lifted in the air kel just watched in horror as enki was dropped to the ground knock out kel was able to to get close to him "enki enki wake up come on" kel said shaking him "k-kel h-hlep" enki said "i will hang on" kel said then she pick him up and running to were the others were

"k-kel don't f-forget m-me" enki muttered out "ENKI JUST HOLD ONE ENKI AND YOUR NOT GOING TO DIE" kel yelled she saw irene talking to hryi and shad "GUYS HLEP IT'S ENKI" kel yelled all three of them look at kel running to them holding enki "what the hack happened to him" shad asked "i don't know-JUST HLEP HIM" kel yelled "let's take him inside" irene said kel nodded and took enki inside

hours later

Enki woke up in his room and see all of his friends looking at him all with worried faces enki look at all of them with no emotion "enki are you alright" hryi said enki said nothing "enki say something" kel said putting her hand on his shoulder then it's gets smacked away "Don't touch me" enki said in a clod voice everyone was surprise that enki said "enki are you ok bud" shad asked "does it look like i'm ok no now i'm going to go outside" enki said getting up "enki wait" kel said trying to go after him but was stop by esmund "kel i think he just needs some space let him have it for a bit okey" esmund said "ya i think esmund is right lest just give him some space" kul'zack said "alright okay" kel said "let's just get back to what we were do okay guys" menphia said everyone agreed and left to do what they were doing if only they knew that this was the beginning of the

Exile of the Fallen divine

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