do i deserve forgiveness

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Kaitlyn's perspective

"Dad stop it's not his fault" i said getting in the way "Katelyn move" my dad said "no dad just listen to what he has to say and do's he look like he sitll wants to hurt us" i said back to him then my dad step away and looked at enki "explain what's going in here terrence" my dad said " first off my name is enki not terrence and it all started when kel fond something unusual and she ask me to come and hlep" enki said "so why did she need ypur hlep when there are others" i ask curiously " well they didn't call me enki the keeper because it was a nickname i normally know most knowledge well i used to" enki said "can you tell us form the beginning enki" Lucinda asked him he said and then spoke "alright it all started when kel has asked me to check out but what ever it was it took a hold of me and corrupted my mind i endedup becoming what people fear" enki said looking down hryi put her hand on his shoulder

I look at travis but something seemed wrong he sitll had the gry skin i walked over to him "why does he sitll look like this" i ask then hryi and enki walk over to him "unlike me he was born with this if we dont get rid of this dhark magic he.." enki said then stopping "he what what's going to happen to him" i said my voice filled with concern "he will become the new demon Warlock and we might have to banishe him" hyrai said "wh-what but didn't i save him when i stopped enki" i said sitll in sock of what i just heard "i thought you did as well but it looks like we were both wrong" hryi said "irene said i need to unlock the full power of kels power to save travis but i didn't unlock the power so this means i sitll need to fight him" i said rethinking of happened before i came back to life

I then look over at enki and hryi "i must fight travis again and save him once and for all" i told them both "what but sugar pee what will happen if he's kills you again i cannot lose you" my dad said "i have to dad travis is my friend and i'm not letting him being this monster when i have the chance to save him" i replied "this is all my fault" enki said "that's not true enki" hryi said "do i deserve forgiveness" he said "yes you do deserve forgiveness this is not your fault you were just in the darkness and i help you get out of it and now i will do the same for travis" i said to all of them then travis had disappeared i knew that he made a spell that can teleport them to different places to get away "Katelyn please be careful irene may have helped you the frist time but she may not help you this time it is up to you to save your friend and here take this it will help with your arm until the six hours are up" hryi said then tossing me and healing potion

I shook my head yes and drinked it i felt my arm again and i also felt the fire running through me i summoned my weapons "sugar pee please be careful i don't want to lose you you remind me so much of your mother she would do anything to say the people she cared for and you are just like her" my father said "i will dad and i did get form mom but i also have your courage and bravery that keeps me going" i said to my dad and started to walk away "wait katelyn" enki said walking up me and holding his book "if you have no choice and you do not have the strength to continue fighting then you must banish him into this book" he said holding out his book for me to take trying to hold back his tears

i then his garb the book "don't worry enki your son will not go through the samething that you have been through and he will get to know his real father not terrence the demon warlock but as enki the keeper he is not the son of the demon he is the son of keeper" i said then walking off "please bring him back it what his mother would have wanted" i here enki said before leaving i walk out into the cold sown the had cover the whole street or worse the whole town i continue walking looking for travis but i was losing my thoughts because i kept on thinking about travis amd how i can be able to save him i don't want to make go through the same pain as enki did but if i have no choice then so be it

Hay guys sorry that this had taken ssooo long to update but the summer has ended for me and now school has come and boy do i hate being in 8th grade so much pressure and so much has happened i'm sure all of you know about hurricane Harvey and hurricane Irma that hit Texas and Florida and the 7.1 earthquake in Mexico that is a other reason why i didn't update because of all the bad things that have happened so to anyone who is reading this who have gone through a big hurricane or earthquake you have all of my prayers and Hope and this go's for the people who have past when these tragedies happened i will see all in the next part of the son of the demon

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