Chapter 1

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It was a quiet Wednesday afternoon as I finish filling out the forms for the stock market.

"Hey Priscilla, any more papers or folders fill!" I asked my assistant manager and best friend across the hall.

"No, but you got a meeting at 6 with Mr. Hunt" she smirked.

"And this amuses you because?" I raised an eyebrow

"Because Mr. Hunt is a mix of hot and arrogant and your stubborn and cute," she said but took a glance at my confused look "meaning y'all two should get together sometime".

"No thank you, I have no interested in being one of his flings" I scoffed.

"Fine" she sighed "But wear that pencil skirt you have to show some 'authority'" she laughed and I rolled my eyes.


At 6:00 pm I entered the Hunt corporations and walked in his office and took a seat. I waited for a good 5 minutes before his assistant manager entered the room.

"Hello, Ms. Valentine. Mr. Hunt will come in 2 minutes" he said and Mr. Hunt arrived.

"I'm glad you came Ms. Valentine, Sorry for the wait I had to talk to some workers" he smiled and sat down on the desk chair.

"Why did you want to meet with Me?" I asked just wanting to get this over with.

"I want us to be business partners it will raise us both a lot of money and its good for advertisement. Including more shops around the globe", he suggested it does sound good but out of all people why me?.

"And if I don't?" I challenged him.

"I have many ways of getting people to do what I want Ms. Valentine" he retaliates as I shot him a dirty look and made a quick list of pros and cons.

"Fine I accept your offer"

"Great, here's a contract you can fill out and mail it tomorrow. It's nice doing business with you" he smiled as I left.

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