Chapter 18: In The Morning

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Poke's POV:

I wake up in a place I don't recognize as my bedroom. I look back to where my arm is and I see it's around Shane's chest. I feel the warmth grow into what feels like a furnace. I want to get up and I check the time, 6:10 A.M. I have the farm and Shane has work! I hear a knock on the door and Shane eyes start opening slowly, "Yes?" I hear Jas' voice. "It's time to get up Uncle Shane!" Shane wakes up then sees me. His face becomes red in an instant. "Y-Yes Jas. I'll be down in a couple of minutes." "Ok!" I then hear Jas' footsteps go away from the door.

Shane and I stare at each other for a minute before Marnie opens the door. "Good morning you two~. Poke, Shane, did you enjoy your sleeping arrangements?" I see Shane blushing an his face could be mistaken for a tomato. "M-Marnie..! You're the one who-" "Tisk, tisk, Shane~. You can't just let Poke down like that~." Marnie starts giggling. "Ok I'm kidding you two! I wanted Shane to sleep with you Poke, to make sure you're safe." She smiles and I smile back. "Thank you Marnie, but next time can you tell me first?" "I will if you aren't asleep when I ask for it. But anyways you two here's the plan. Poke you take care of the farm while Shane and I drop of Jas for Penny to teach her. Then we'll meet up in front of Lewis' house, ok?" Shane and I nod. "Oh, Poke! Before you go to your farm, I made enough breakfast for all of us so you can come eat with us if you want." "That would be nice. Thank you again Marnie." "No problem, Poke."

Marnie leaves and I turn to Shane. "I'll let you get ready Shane. Thank you for last night, I really needed it. I'll probably finish breakfast before you're ready, so bye." I hug him and I get my shoes and glasses back on then head to the kitchen. Jas sees me and she smiles so wide. "Poke's here! Wait, when did Poke get here?" She looked at me in confusion. "I got here last night Jas. You were asleep at the time." "Oh! So you had a sleepover with Uncle Shane? I hope you two had fun!" Well umm... It wasn't exactly fun or a sleepover. I eat breakfast with Jas and Marnie while Shane was getting ready. I'm about to leave when I hear a voice. "Poke wait!" I turn around and see Shane. His hair was still wet and it was adorable. He walked up to me and told me. "Have a great day today at the farm Poke." He smiled his vibrant smile. "You too Shane, you too." I smile back at him and go to the farm.

~Time Skip to When They Meet Up~

I see Shane, Marnie, and Lewis and I run up to them. As soon as I'm close enough I walk and they notice me. Lewis speaks to me first, "Poke, after I heard what happened, I hoped you were ok. I'm glad you are." I noticed Lewis is more sullen then his usual cheery self. "Thank you Lewis." "You're welcome Poke." Then Marnie gives me a hug again. "Well, we're going to have to talk to the police now honey. It's only us four that know what's going on right now." Marnie lets go of the hug and I speak. "Thank you so much Marnie. I really appreciate all you do for me." Then Shane, he gives me his lopsided smile and I hug him and look up at him. "Thank you Shane, for everything." I smile again. He hugs me back for a minute and lets go.

After a moment of silence, Zuzu police officers came towards the four of us. One of the four came up, a woman with blond hair. "Which one of you is Miss. Poke Dillan?" I walk towards the woman, "I am Poke Dillan, ma'am." The woman looks over me then speaks, "You will tell us everything you know, considering you were the victim of the force, abuse, and black-mail and a witness to Miss. Elizabeth Dillan's death."

~Time Skip To After Everyone Is Done With Evaluations~

The lady officer, Mrs. Parks, speaks to all four of us, "Thank you all for telling us what you know. We appreciate it. I'll come back soon to discuss court details." After Mrs. Parks tells us this, she and all the other Zuzu City officers leave. I start heading to were Jas is with Shane when Sam runs up to us. "Yo! What happened? Why were Zuzu City police here? They were talking to you guys right?" Sam started asking us questions and I start to feel uncomfortable. Shane speaks up, "Sam if you want to know, ask Lewis. Now go away." After that Sam seems a bit shocked, but leaves and runs up to Lewis.

Shane and I leave before Sam can come back to us. We reach the museum and library building and enter. We both see Jas sitting with Penny and Vincent. They all notice us and wave. Shane and I walk up to them. I speak to Jas in a whisper, "C'mon Jas, your Uncle Shane and I are going to play with you at home today." I give her my hand and Jas takes it.

Jas and I say our goodbyes and Shane, Jas, and I leave the museum to bump into Sam again. "Poke!" Sam suddenly hugs me. I've never been hugged by him before, surprisingly. "You never told me this! But good riddance to that guy for more than one reason! Anyways see ya later!" And just as quickly as he came, he's gone. I look at Shane with confusion, "Well that was sudden." "Yep." All three of us go to Cindersap Forest and play with Jas there for the rest of the day.

I love this town. I want to stay here forever.

Stardew Valley Shane X Female Player: Want A Light?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora