New vision, Old world

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Amelia P.O.V.
Have you ever had a dream where no matter how much you tried you just couldn't move? That's how I feel now. I open my eyes to see nothing but a blur of colors and objects. But after a few moments my vision starts to sharpen. I'm not laying down, no, I'm sitting. The walls are lined with shelves stocked with bottles of different shapes and sizes containing various liquids and there are boxes strewn about the small room. I try to stand but realize that I am cuffed, chained, strapped and tied to my seat.

"Hey, girly about time you woke up." I gasp and try to crane my head as far back to see who spoke but they are out of sight.

"Who are you," I ask. "Where am I?"

"I'm Mark Styles, pleased to meet you and you are in New York City, 1939."

I stare at the wall in confusion, "You mean 2017."

He gives off a deep chuckle. "No ma'am, I meant what I said. It is the year 1939. Now I presume you are surely confused so let me give you the simplest answer possible- you have traveled through time. Now how you did it is through mirrors. How it happened is because of some big contraption which i don't happen to remember it's name but it uses a persons blood to place them through time. Now obtaining your blood was the hard part but I won't bore you with the details. Do you have any questions?"

I thought I was confused before but now I'm questioning a lot of things. But I am only able to form two questions. "Why mirrors? Why summon me?"

"Mirrors because they hold no time which is funny since they're used for time travel and summon you because we need you."

"We?" I question.

"Oh don't tell me you haven't noticed that I'm a Lycan?" Mark walks in front of me and sits on a box. "Well maybe you're still reeling from that nasty blow to the head." I analyze him; he's fair skinned, black eyes that bore into you with short black hair that looks wet and slick against his head.

"Okay but that still doesn't explain why you need me." I huff.

"We need you because you are the link, the link to bring Lycans and Vampyres together to fight the oncoming war."

"What war?" I ask impatiently.

"That's the good thing about that traveling contraption it's not only good for going back but also going forward in time and the future isn't bright for either of the races. There will be a brutal war with the humans when they learn of our existence. And the war starts close to the timeline you were removed from and lo and behold it is a vamp that starts the uproar."

"No," I laugh. "You're lying. You want to use me as a pawn in your game to overcome the vampyres same as they wish to do with the Lycans. WELL I WONT BE PLAYED IN ANY OF YOUR GAMES!"

Marks gaze intensifies, "And if I'm telling the truth?!?!"

"That's a big if. Besides It doesn't matter whether there be a war or not with humans because you and I both know that no amount of a threat will ever bring Lycans and Vampyres together! They'd rather take their chances alone than stand united. Now let me be on my way and send me home."

He abruptly stands, "We will all perish if we don't band together to fight!"

"I have said my piece now send-me-home."

He stands there brooding over me huffing and puffing. "Fine," he says, walking behind me once again and undoing all of my restraints. "But when we all fall don't say you were never warned." The rest of my chains clanking to the ground are the last noises to accompany the now silent room.

A/N: This chapter is long overdue! I reread the older chapters and noticed lots of mistakes... Should I just leave it and push on with chapters or go back and spend some time fixing them? Let me know what you guys think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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