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It was almost 9 pm when Harry came home. His bags were stuffed full of various Christmas decorations, cards, baubles, gift wrapping paper and several other things Harry would definitely needed for Christmas. Originally he only wanted to buy a new tablecloth or two but when he saw all these beautiful things, he just couldn't walk past them. He was sure that Louis would probably call him a hopeless Christmas shopping addict again ("What normal person would need these things, Harry!") if he saw all his new purchases. Harry didn't care. He loved decorating the house for Christmas, he loved creating Christmas cards for family and friends (although he always bought a few cards in case if he failed with his own) and he used to bake biscuits in super cute shapes like Christmas trees, stars or angels with his family and friends. December and Christmas time had always been Harry's favorite time of the year.

Harry had always spent Christmas with his family and friends but this year it would be different. He planned to spend this year together with Louis in their London house for the first time. Luckily the band got four weeks off between December and January. Harry wanted to spend most of them with Louis (and Louis wanted that too). Harry could literally count on two hands how many weeks he had spent alone with his boyfriend this year and unfortunately there weren't many. It was no wonder that Harry's anticipation of spending time with Louis made the boy more than happy. The year had been extremely stressful for both of them and Harry just couldn't wait to finally relax and enjoy his time off with Louis.

After Harry stepped into the house he put the bags down in the corridor, hung his coat neatly onto a hook and rubbed his hands together to warm himself. The weather had gotten colder during the past few days and he was freezing. He took a hot shower first before he spread the content of his bags on the huge wooden table in the living room. Harry let out a sigh of joy when he looked at all the cute items he had bought: Christmas trees, snowflakes, reindeers and many other things. Then Harry turned on the stereo system to listen to his favourite song of all times: Driving home for Christmas by Chris Rea. This tune was his everything and he loved listen to it throughout the year. He knew that he could drive Louis up the wall if he turned it on during the summer. He then turned up the music as loud as possible and sang while unpacking everything that was placed on the table and sat down to arrange the new goodies. He took a quick picture to his mum and sister of his giant Christmas haul.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" a loud voice yelled.

Harry turned around and saw Louis. He covered his face with the palms of his hands and let out a loud sigh as he stepped into the living room.

"Harry," he moaned, "What is this?"

"Lou! Look what I bought today!" Harry smiled proudly at Louis, pointing at the pile of Christmas stuff in front of him.

"Isn't this amazing? I thought we could decorate the house together so I bought lots of new Christmas decorations and also some of these wall tattoos with those cute little snowflakes and Christmas tree motives! Look!" Harry said happily, holding the wall tattoos up. "Aren't they cute?"

Louis shook his head and walked closer to the younger boy.

"Harry . . . I mean . . . what . . . what is this? We've got boxes full of Christmas stuff in the cellar and you still bought more? Why?" he asked pointing at the pile in front of Harry.

"We don't need more of these things!"

Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"It's my money I'm spending, not yours," he answered disappointed.

Louis was about to walk away when Harry grabbed his wrist.

"Hey love, what happened? Can I do something for you?" he asked.

Louis just shook his head.

"I just had a shitty day and my head hurts like hell," Louis answered.

"I'll just take a shower and go to bed."

"If you want to talk. . ." Harry said but got interrupted by Louis.

"I don't want to talk now," he said coolly and walked away without turning around again.

Harry was disappointed. He had been so happy a few minutes ago but all his excitement was blown away within seconds. He put his new items back into the bags, switched off the music and decided to go to bed too. He didn't really feel like doing anything else. He waited for Louis to finish his shower and then took his own.

As Harry was getting under the covers, Louis seemed to be asleep. His breathing had slowed down and he didn't move so Harry carefully laid down on his back, folded his hands and stared at the ceiling. He looked at the older boy from time to time but Louis didn't budge. Harry wasn't tired and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fall asleep. He moved closer to Louis, spooned him from behind and gave him a small kiss onto his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around his boyfriend and let out a quiet sigh.

Suddenly Louis moved. He nuzzled closer to Harry, pulled Harry's arm tighter around his body and kissed the back of his boyfriend's hand. They laid like this for a bit before Harry felt Louis' lips on the back of his hand.

"Harry?" Louis said into the dark.

"Hm?" Harry responded quietly.

The older boy turned around to face him.

"I didn't mean it," Louis said quietly. "I'm sorry. You were so happy and I was a dick."

Harry kissed Louis' forehead.

"It's okay. Everyone can have a shitty day." Harry answered and gave Louis a small smile before he curled up next to the older boy.

Louis wrapped his arms around him and Harry drifted away to sleep slowly.