Chapter 7

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Suga's P.O.V

I cautiously looked around to see if I was supposed to give it to someone else or not. I saw no signs of that. I carefully unfolded the note and read what it said.

Dear Sugawara Koushi,
Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be dead?
            - Everyone

I clenched my teeth together before neatly folding it back up and placing it in my bag.
Everyone wants you to die, why are you still here?
I don't know anymore...
Then kill yourself.

Daichi's P.O.V

The day passed on as usual. I tried to keep an eye on Suga, something wasn't right with him. How long ago were those notes written? What if they're recent? Shit... I look around the classroom, seeing if we had any major bullies in our class. I inwardly sighed. Of course no one here is a bully. We're in our 3rd year for heaven's sake. Gosh, this is hopeless. The bell rang, signalling that it was time for lunch. "Okay class, that's it for now. See you all after lunch." Then the teacher stepped out of the room. I got up and walked towards Suga. "Hey, wanna eat lunch with me today?"
"Don't we always eat together?" Suga laughed. "Yeah, but it's never just us."

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