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theres an important message at the end of this chapter so please read all of it when you get there and comment some stuff if you can :-)


I was alone. I was avoiding Ashton and in turn, avoiding all of my friends. They wanted me to talk to Ashton and I didn't want to talk to him.

I was at lunch and Anna sat down next to me. The same Anna that went on a date with Ashton.

"Hey Haley," She said

"Hi," I smiled, not meeting her eyes

"Where's Ashton?" She asked

I laughed dryly, "Don't know. I'm avoiding him."

"Haley. I went on a date with him." She said, raising her eyebrows

"Yeah, I know. Why are you telling me this?" I asked

"What do you mean why? Haley. I went on a date with the guy. It was fun but we both know there's something stopping him from enjoying a date." She smiled and I knew exactly what she meant

"There's not anything stopping him now. He went on the date. If it stopped him, he wouldn't have gone." I stated blankly, rolling my eyes

"Haley," She laughed, "He's in love with you. It's obvious."

"I don't think he loves me anymore," I confessed

"Well you aren't gonna find out if you keep avoiding him."

"I'd rather avoid him."

"Listen Haley, that boy loves you if he wants to or not. He really does. I know you're not the nicest to him but I can tell that you can be nice when you want to be. We were on a date and all he could talk about was you. I think you need to give him a chance. The least you can do is stop avoiding him."

"I don't think I can give him a chance," I admitted, "I'm too scared of hurting him even more."

"I think he's willing to take that chance." She said, standing up and walking away.

What was I supposed to do? I wanted Ashton to hate me. I wanted to give him a chance. I wanted him to move on.


Later that night, I sat in my room contemplating all that was happening and what Anna had said. Why did Ashton go on that date with her if he knew he still loved me? Why would he go on a date with her and just talk about me?

I picked up my phone and called Ashton instinctively and he answered before I could hang up

"Hello?" He said

"Hey," I replied, "I'm sorry, this is dumb, I shouldn't have called you."

"No, it's fine. Is everything okay?"

"Not really but it doesn't even matter."

"Haley.. It does matter. Whats wrong? Should I come over?" He asked

"No, please don't come over. That would make this worse." I sighed

"What do you mean?"

"It would make this worse, Ashton. You went on a date with Anna and I thought you were finally taking my advice and moving on from me."

"I don't think you really want me to do that, Haley." He said, "Besides, how do you know I'm not doing just that?"

"Anna came and talked to me at lunch today."

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