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This is my version of darkiplier (Axel)

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This is my version of darkiplier (Axel)

His hands are claws so he can basically rip out your intestine's when you piss him the fuck off.

The tail that he has isn't as pretty or cool as you think, if you get on darks bad side that tail will wrap around you like a cobra and squeeze you until you pop

Metal thoughs, he has this power to get into your mind and brake you slowly, killing you on the inside with fake memory's and or real ones, he's basically eating your mind until you rot


Nuts, he ain't got no balls of steel

His neck, he was abused as a child and his neck bones never healed properly so their sensitive as fuck


He's an all around dick bag that enjoys humans pain and suffering, he drinks more then he sleeps and kills more then he eats, if you cross his path you'll become his next fighting meal

Once you get to know him he's more chilled and relaxed so he won't kill you he'll protect you if your in real danger but if your WiFi brakes he'll just pat you on the head and leave

Ways to make him yours:

you all wanted to know this last time so now you can know this time (happy?)

Get to know him first you dont want to just kiss and fuck saying "okay we're together now"

Start challenging him onto dates, he doesn't back down from a challenge because he thinks its another way to say "fuck you I'm better then you" so lead him into dates by challenging him

Show him emotions that he never shows! He's a fucking prick so showing him love or friendship, its a way to make him fall for ya ;)

Lastly try and make him admit himself to you, dark his a dork when he's in love because he's a huge Trasdere (or ever how the fuck you say it) so he's clumsy when he's in love

I hope y'all are happy now




Dark: Okay no no nope nahda no naaah m8 this isn't happening y'all can fuck off and I'll eat your kids if you ask me again, bye!

Well that happened


Dark: not you mate

Dark! Don't be a dick to anyone so fuck the fuck off! Anyway back to the subject at hand

He likes any alcohol you give him, why? He doesn't get drunk at all no party can make him drunk no bar can get him
You can try but you'll fail, I wouldn't worry about it though he'll be drinking your soul out before he takes a shot

Cats! One thing about dark is that, if he finally gets his crush as his...*looks at dark*

Dark: Dont you dare, just keep it as non gender.

Yeah that cats will come up in the next day you will find more then One cat in your house or on dark, its more then one pussy to have (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dark: AHTTA!!!! SHUT IT!!! *holds his cat close* Bitch!

Hey I'm your mother so shut your face!!

Dark: I'm old enough to be your father

....and there you go!! Darkiplier everyone, but please call him Axel! He won't kill you.......maybe

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