Lost Dance (5)

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* you can feel your face getting red*
Lisa: ugh... what are you doing here . * as she rolled her eyes at him*
???: I just wanted to say hi to this beauty. * as he touches your hair *
Lisa: YA!!!!!!!!!! Get your dirty hands off f her !!!! * she screamed her lungs out and all students turning are way*
Y/N: * I can feel all eyes on me right when she yelled . Dam.. it Lisa why ? *
* I fell a hand grabbing my arm* kino? Huh??
Kino: Ya!. Hitting on a new girl isn't cool. * as he pull you closer *
Leo: so what ... I can't have a little taste of her . * he chuckles and give me a wink*
Lisa: your so ugly no one wants to do it with you !!! * right when she said that Leo comes and slaps her*
* students gaps *
Lisa: did you just? * before she could even finish her sentence Leo cut her off*
Leo: I bet you like it . * he smirk *
Lisa: Ya!!! You stupid- * Yuto comes and grabs your hand and you both walk out the cafeteria *
Leo: now let me finish my job. * he look at me as if he owns me*
Kino: no..* as he hold on to you hand*
Leo: why?... is she your girlfriend or something? * all of the students circle around you three *
Kino: it doesn't matter!!.. * he yelled back *
Leo: ha.. you like to play games huh? * he can a took your hand pulling you away from kino *
Kino: * pulls you back* stop !! * he yelled *
Leo: if she's not your girlfriend then why are you protecting her? * he said with a annoying voice.
Kino: because she's my friend. * he answered back holding onto your had *
Leo: * Leo grabs your other hand and right then kino pulls you away and dips you
Kino POV
* I didn't know what to do I don't want Y/N to get hurt *
* out of no where kino grabs you and kiss you in the lips your heart stop his lips where so soft I kiss him back *
Students : aww their so cute!!!!!!
Leo: ha...I didn't know you would have it in you . * he said walking off *
*You pull away*
Y/N:*kino looks into your eyes *
Kino: I'm sorry .* as he hug you*
Y/N:* I was so shock I didn't know what to do *
(Lisa & Yuto POV)
Lisa: YA!!!!!! I was going to kick his ass . * As you look at Yuto while you hold in your cry *
Yuto: are you ok? * as he pulls you in for a hug *
Lisa: how can a man do this to a woman ? * as you cry on his shoulder *
*Yuto holds you close and you lay your head on his chest *
( Back to Y/N & Kino)
Y/N: *kino takes your hand and walks you home *
* it was a long silence before kino start talking again *
Y/N: so,.... do you want to hit the studio-.*right then kino comes in with another kiss but this one he meant it *
Y/N: ya! What was that for? * you look at kino with confused look*
Kino: * chuckle* to shut you up. * he chuckle and softly pinch your nose *
Y/N: did you really had to shut me up with a kiss though. * you look at him with a pout *
Kino: * smirks * your to cute!
Y/N:ya!!! Stop hitting on me. * kino comes close to you*
Kino: I know you like me . * he said with a chuckle *
Y/N: puff ... no I don't * you look away quickly *
Kino: then why are you blushing . * he smiles *
Y/N: ya!!! * as you try to get back your notebook from kino that he took from your hand *
Kino: * chuckle *what do you have in here. *flipping through the pages*
Y/N: *eyes widen* ya!!! That's my book!! * as you chase after him *
Kino: come get it . * as he try's to tease you*
Y/N: *you chase after him and you both laugh before you could reach it you accidentally give him a hug around the waist *
Kino: ya! You do like me . * he laugh*
Y/N: * I can feel my face burning up did I just did that*.........

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