Welcome to My 35th book! 🙌

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This book is to tell you about My True Gift of Energy Healing I'm really blessed with & using to Help Others. ( I mentioned that fact in 'My New Abilities You Haven't Heard About' book - but I guess it wasn't enough, so I am starting a new book - All About Energy Healing to have a better chance to convince you ). 

If you had a chance to read one of my friend's @Poppy_TrollPrincess 's books she wrote about me where she mentioned the fact of My Sharing Good Energy with others & Making them Happy with It - you probably thought that it was just 'her imagination' - but I assure you that she didn't make it up. She based her Idea on My True Ability - because I shared my good energy with her in RL many times before she wrote about it. ( - Surprised? :) ... - Yes, now you probably are. Cause most of you didn't know that such a thing as Energy Healing exists, am I right? :) ... - Or if you even heard about it, you didn't know any true energy healers - so I have Good News For You! :) ... - Now you know one: ME! 😁 ). 

I'm writing this book to let you know what Energy Healing is, & how works to let you know what to expect when I start sharing My Good Energy with you, & why it works & makes you smile & more energetic when you get it. 

& Remember

- It's Not MAGIC!  - It's just Positive Energy! :) - & I'm Lucky to be A Living Source of It!  😉✨👍

*So don't hestitate to message my Inbox & ask for it if you need it

( - I'm always happy to share it with you!... - & today I feel More Filled With It than Ever Before! :D 🎆 ... - & I really want to share it with somebody - so if I can help you with it cause you feel tired, angry or sad without a reason, have problems with falling asleep or anything hurts you - Inbox me & tell me about it. - & I will Do My Best to Help you!  ^_~ 👍 )

*If I manage to help you - just write 'thanks', 'it worked' or 'he helped me' in comments under this chapter - to let others know that I'm Not Kidding! :)

[ Some of My wattpad Friends know that it works because I showed them & shared My Good Energy with them either to show them what it feels like or when they were tired or something hurt them: All the results are written down in my 'Surrounded with friends' book & Are True!  ^_^ - I'm glad that I could make My Friends Feel Better because All of Them Did! 😃👍 ) 

**I'm always Happy

to share my good energy With My Followers! :)

- but if you're not My Follower yet & still want to check how it works: let's make a deal - You can message my Inbox too, & ask me to share some of My Good Energy with you... - & if it works & you feel better - you follow me, Ok? :)

( *It usually works & worked in all of the cases when I tried to share it with Other Wattpad Users - so I'm almost sure that it Will Work in Your Case too!  ^_^ )

*Who wants to try? 😖

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