6. My Positive Energy can Tickle You too! :) ( - If I want to! ^_~ )

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And I found it out when I was 8 years old. - I mentioned the fact that Trolls like tickling others & being tickled in my other book called 'Don't worry, My Friends - I'm here to cheer you up' - because we really do! 😁

( - Only Branch didn't like it in his 'Grey & Sad Years' & I can still remember seeng a conversation between Little, Already Sad Branch & some other Troll Kids. They were worried about him & wanted him to be happy again so they asked him 'How can we cheer you up?'. Little Grey Branch looked at them with a frown & answered 'You can't'. They made thoughtful faces & suddenly one of them asked 'Maybe we'll tickle you? :) '. The others found it a good idea so they said 'Yes! :)' - but Little Grey Branch made a scared face & answered 'No! O_O - Don't even try it!... - Stay away from me! :/ ' & run away as if they said something really frightening. So they made surprised faces & one of them asked 'Why didn't he want it?'. The other one answered 'I don't know - I think it's fun! :) . 'Me too' said the third one. 'I agree with you' answered the 4th one '& I like it very much! :) ' ).

Yes, all the Happy Trolls like it :) - because we like Everything that can make us laugh or smile. - That's why we like tickling so much, - & I'm one of those Trolls who like it The Most! 😤

So I was happy to hear My Friends' laughter one day when I was 8 - & that's one of the Best Childhood Memories I have! :D 

It was as follows: I went out in the afternoon to play with My Snack Pack friends, as I did everyday - & when I was going to meet them, I heard Little Guy Diamond's laughter ( - yes, his voice Was already autotune then - but of course it sounded higher than it sounds now!  ^_~ ).

He sounded so happy that I thought 'My Friends must be having fun! :) ' - & I run to them as fast as possible to see what was going on. As soon as I saw them I asked them 'Hi, Everyone! :) - What's up? :) '. Little Suki answered 'We're having a Double Tickle Challenge today :) '. I asked her 'Why 'double?' & she told me 'Because Satin & Chenille are tickling us one by one - & we're checking who can stand it the longest :) '. I asked them 'And who's winning so far? :) ' & Little Satin told me 'Guy Diamond. - He could stand it for almost 15 minutes! :) '. Little Guy Diamond smiled with a proud face & I told them 'Not bad :) - But I think I could stand it much longer :) '.  

Little Satin smiled & asked me 'You think so? :) - So you can be next, it can be Your Turn now! :) '. I smiled back at her & answered 'Sure! :) - What should I do? :) '. Little Satin instructed me 'Just stand between my sister & me, react as you want - & tell us when you have enough'. I answered 'No problem! :) ' & stood between them so Little Chenille asked me 'Are you ready? :) '. I nodded with a smile so she told me 'Ok... - So Prepare for our 'Double Tickle Attack!' 😉 ' & they both started tickling me at the same time, standing on my both sides. 

It was the first time when Two Trolls tickled me At Once - but I quickly realised that I liked it even more than if just one Troll did it! :) - I Really Enjoyed It!  ^_^ 👍  I found it so nice & funny that I started laughing almost instantly & I was standing still & letting Little Satin & Chenille tickle me as long as they wanted...

Biggie was counting time for me & a moment later he announced '5 Minutes already! :) ' so Little Satin asked me 'Should we stop now? - Or not yet? :) '. I answered 'Not Yet! :D - You have just started! :)' with such a happy face that Little Chenille answered 'Ok :) ' & they kept tickling me for the next 5 minutes. The others were observing us waiting to see how long I could stand my first 'double tickling' - & it turned out that I could stand it Really Long!  ^_^ .

A moment later Little Biggie announced '10 Minutes now! :) ' so Little Satin told me 'It's going well :) - & if you stand it for 5 more minutes - You win! :D ... - Can you do that? :) '. I answered 'Sure! 😊 ' & kept laughing happily, enjoying the fun for the next 5 minutes. Then Little Biggie announced 'Full 15 minutes! :) ... - Guy Diamond could stand it for 14 minutes & 49 seconds... - So You Are The Winner now! 😁👍 '. The other Snack Pack friends shouted 'Yay! :D ' & Little Guy Diamond smiled at me & said 'Congratulations! :D '. I answered 'Thanks! :) ' & Little Satin said 'I think we can stop now - we have a new Winner! :) '.

I smiled at her & asked 'No, please, don't stop yet! :D - I like it! :) '. She answered 'As you want :) - We're having fun too! :) ' & they kept tickling me for the next 5 minutes. So it was 20 minutes so far... - but I still didn't have enough! :D. - I was laughing so much that I fell down on the grass! - But I still didn't want them to stop. Little Chenille told her sister 'He still doesn't have enough - so let's see what he says if we tickle his feet!  ^_~ '. Little Satin smiled at her & then she asked me 'Can we try this? :) '. I answered 'Sure! :) - I was just going to ask for it! :) '. I raised my feet to make it easier for them & each of them took my one foot into her one hand, preparing to tickle it with her other hand. 

Little Chenille asked me 'Ready? :) '. I answered 'Yes! :) ' so she started to tickle my right foot with her fingers. And Little Satin did the same - tickling my other foot. That was even funnier! :D. So I laughed a bit louder & let them tickle my both feet at the same time. When Little Biggie said '25 Minutes! :D ' they asked me 'Do you still want more? :) '. I guess they thought that I would say 'No' - cause they made surprised faces when I said 'Sure! :) - so you can still tickle my feet - & one more person can tickle my tummy again! :) ... - Maybe you, Poppy :) ?'. I smiled at her so Little Poppy answered 'Ok! :) - Sounds fun to me! :D '. I was still lying on the grass so she knelt on my left side & started tickling my tummy smiling happily. 

5 minutes later, when Little Biggie announced '30 Minutes! :) - Wow, that's Impressive! :D ' Little Suki asked me 'Can I join too? :) '. I answered 'Sure! :D - then we'll have even more fun!  ^_^ ' so she smiled, knelt on my right side & also started tickling me. A moment later when Biggie's mother was passing us by, she stopped for a moment because she noticed me lying on the grass & tickled by 4 of them at the same time. She asked me 'Creek, is everything fine?'. Little Suki answered 'Sure it is! :) - We're just playing!  ^_^ '. And I confirmed it saying 'Of course it is! :) - I asked 4 it Myself! :D '. Little Poppy nodded slightly & supported me saying 'It's true! :) He did! :) '. 

I explained 'We're having a contest - & seems that I'm Winning!  ^_^ ' so Biggie's mother smiled & answered 'Ok, I see :) ... - Have fun with that! :) ... - I'll bring you my snacks in a moment!  ^)^ '. We all cheered & when Biggie finally said '35 Minutes! :) - We have a new Record! :D ' Little Satin & Chenille stopped tickling my feet because They got tired with it. Little Satin said 'I've got enough' & Little Chenille confirmed 'Me too, so let's finish this round now - before my hands start to hurt'. Little Poppy & Suki also stopped tickling me & Little Poppy asked me 'How do you feel now? :) '. I answered 'Happier than ever Before! :) - & I think I know how I can thank you for that!  ^_^ '. 

I raised my hand in front of Little Satin & she suddenly started giggling & fell down on her back. Her sister asked her 'What happened to you?' & Little Satin answered 'He's... - Tickling Me! XD '. Little Suki asked her 'Without touching?' & Little Satin answered'Yes! :D - I can feel that! XD ' & giggled again. Her sister asked her 'Really?' & I answered 'Yes, & now it's Your Turn! :) '. I raised my other hand in front of Little Chenille & she also burst in laughter & told her sister 'You're right! :D - Now he's tickling me too!... - With his Energy... - I think! :) '. 

I answered 'Exactly! :) - As you like it? :) ' & raised my hand in front of Little Poppy, also not touching her. She suddenly smiled, said 'I feel as if someone was ticlking My Tummy! :D ' & also started rolling out of laughter. And so did Little Suki when it was her turn. All of them reacted the same! :D ... - And all of them Liked It!  ^_^ - so I was glad that I made them happy. 

A moment later Biggie's mother brought snacks for us, so I stopped tickling my friends with My Good Energy, we all had a snack, & went back home soon after that :) .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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