1. How being a Living Source of Good Energy Affects Me:

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1. My Good energy I share with others can make them happy ( so they start to smile or even laugh or giggle sometimes ) - but it also Makes Me HAPPY! :)

- Yes, that's Why I'm SO HAPPY for most of the time: Because I'm Filled with Good Energy! 😁👍

( & I can feel it!  ^_^ - So I'm usually SMILING AS WIDE AS  THIS: )

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2. It keeps me Warm

- so my hands are Never Cold, & I don't usually need more clothes than My Yellow Trousers. - & I can stay shirtless, as I usually am Even in Winter! - Without catching a cold! :)  ( If you are not filled with positive energy as much as me - don't try that! ).

3. It lets me Stay Calm for Most of The Time

- So whenever something that would make another person angry or panic happens & I stay calm - my friends ask me 'How Can You Be So CALM Now?' - I answer 'I just Am This Way!  ^_^ ' :

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- I really Am Like That! :) - So if Any of You wondered 'How I Can Stay SO POSITIVE ALL THE TIME'? - Now you know the answer! 😉

4. It lets me Eat less than others do

- & still feel good! :) . - Especially Biggie was surprised 'how I can eat so little & not be hungry again 10 minutes later' because he belongs to the Large Trolls Kind - & they eat more than 'average sized Trolls' like me - but the others already stopped being surprised with it. The Positive Energy I'm Filled with kind of 'feeds me' - so I don't need as much 'Earthly Food' as those who don't have that much good energy inside them would need :) 

5. It lets me Sleep less than others

- without being tired too! 😊  ( When I told @NayanCatLovesTrolls that 'I slept just 3 and a half hours last night' recently because I Really Did ( in RL too ) - she got surprised & asked me 'Are you ok?'... - Yes, I not only was ok - but it happens to me from time to time. - I got used to it & still feel fine!  ^_^  

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