Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I walked through the hallways with my face to the ground. 'Maybe I won't embarrass myself today ' I thought wishfully. I tried to ignore the voices that surrounded me, but I couldn't do it. That's because some of the voices were mine. Tiny little voices that became more and more noticeable until I couldn't hear anything else.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed out loud, before I realised my mistake and covered my mouth, my face flushed scarlet. 'So much for that plan' I thought to myself bitterly. I heard distant laughter in the corners of my mind like tinkling bells and I wondered how laughter so innocent could be so cruel.

The judgemental looks came my way and I tried to walk away with a straight face - perhaps to save face. Then the comments appeared and I lost my composure. 

'Why won't they just disappear

I froze. The room felt like it was the ice age again, but I soon brushed it off as an angry thought. The voices couldn't have said that? They aren't real.


I held my book to my chest and breathed out to collect my thoughts. 'The days almost over.' I clung to that thought like it was a lifeline and continued on through the hallway, arriving at my classroom soon after. We had history. 

One of your worst subjects. 

'Just leave me alone!' 

But the only response I got was laughter.

As soon as I opened the class door the typical, useless chatter stopped and I felt everyone's gaze pierce me like daggers. Snarky comments like 'freak' and 'waste of space' filled my ears and I tried to shake them off or at least shut them out, but I struggled to even do that. 


I couldn't even deny that; it was true. And as I walked to my seat it felt like I was walking to my execution. 'Yikes' That thought didn't strike me as pleasant.

The lesson began and the teacher started prattling on about some old monarch? Who killed his wives? I don't know, the information wouldn't really process through my brain. It never really did. Perhaps that's why she didn't seem particularly fond of me? 

I almost scoffed at the thought. It was the rumours that circulated around the school. About me. As if I was a murderer. And that my red hair came from the blood of my victims. Did they seriously believe that? If I had killed someone, I can safely say I wouldn't be at this school - I'd be in prison. Sadly, people are idiots. 

The rumours were created by one of my old friends, from another school. She was in the popular group of people so I should've been honoured. At least, that's what they said to me. I was like an errand girl for that group and felt like an outsider. Whenever I tried to point this fact out, they would all act like I had just kicked a puppy and laughed, no one ever took my side. And when they finally had enough of me and were ready to toss me aside like trash, I spoke out. And for a while, it seemed to have worked. I should've known that it wouldn't be so easy. Because slowly rumours about murders around here grew and before I knew it, I was the one being blamed. When I went to my 'friend' for help, she started screaming and crying and then made up a story about me threatening to kill her if she didn't allow me to be her friend. I was called to the principles office soon after. But her family had all sorts of connections and I wasn't even given a chance to defend myself. I was expelled shortly after.

My family wouldn't talk to me for weeks. And it started to take effect on my lifestyle and my health. I couldn't sleep and I didn't feel like eating because I just couldn't stomach it. And the rumours had already travelled to this school. It was a big kick to the face really. So now I just thought that if I distanced myself from everyone, the rumours would die down a little and I wouldn't get hurt. But those comments did still hurt and man, did they sting.

The history class ended and I made my way home after going to the library for a while. I guess I just wanted an escape from reality for a bit. When I arrived home, it was pretty late. My parents were asleep and it was rather peaceful really. I grabbed an apple on my way upstairs, but I soon rushed back down to rearrange the fruit bowl. You can call it OCD if you want, you'd just be wrong. My parents, they got used to me eating less and didn't ever try to stop me, to be honest they encouraged it.

I walked into my bedroom and sat in front of my computer, it was pretty old now - considering it was probably the last gift I received from my father. I switched it on and went onto a few sites to browse about random things before I decided to watch anime. Anime was like my saviour in a way, the inspiration you get from some shows isn't something you'll forget easily. But I'd finished most of the anime I'd watched and I was unsure on what to watch next. Although I had a clear view on what I didn't want to watch.

So I searched it up, 'what anime should I watch'. And after scrolling for a while, I came across it.


And so I watched the first episode. Then another, and another until it had just passed midnight. I decided that I should probably go to sleep, no matter how difficult it'd be. But I laid awake, staring at the ceiling as if it would bring answers to me. No such luck. But it did get me thinking about Naruto, and how he dealt with all the hatred, and I thought'I wish I could meet him.'

And for the first time in a while, the voices were completely silent and I drifted off to sleep.


A/N: So this is the remake of my previous Hidden Voices book (please don't go read it if you haven't already - I'm not exactly proud of it). I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, some of you might have noticed how I spell certain words like 'rumour' instead of 'rumor', so I just want to assure you that I know that it may seem like the wrong spelling, but it is correct in my country.

Also, I won't be adding the disclaimers to many of my chapters, mainly because I'll forget.

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