Chapter 3: Introducing...

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We entered the tower and were almost immediately greeted by stairs. Actually no, that's an understatement. We were almost immediately greeted by at least a thousand stairs. I gave a low whistle at them before I turned to the Hokage in stark disbelief. He couldn't seriously expect me to walk up all of them, could he?...

Apparently he could. He started walking up the stairs in a calm manner, as if he, an elderly man must I remind you, could do this easily in his sleep. 'Outrageous.' I thought bitterly and thought back to earlier. Walking down these were one thing, but up? That's a whole different story. I looked around for some sort of miracle, an elevator perhaps, but to no avail.

I sighed in defeat and trudged forward, raising my head to see that the old man was already halfway there. I gaped at the sight for a moment before I narrowed my eyes, an expression of determination replaced my generally neutral features. Racing forward, I managed to catch up to the villages leader and surpassed him, although only by a little. 

"Hoho, you're quite the energetic one, aren't you?" the man laughed, and I squinted my eyes at him. 

Who do you think you are -impersonating Santa Claus?!

"Experience can only go so far, old man," I sneered at him with a cocky smirk.

But the Hokage only smiled warmly, which just thoroughly pissed me off. He should just die.

Be careful what you wish for kid, you might regret it. Jashin advised with an almost condescending tone.

What did he mean by that?... I sighed once more and continued up the never-ending staircase, occasionally looking behind to see that old man only to see him a few paces behind me. I glared at him before snapping my head forward. I reached the top of the staircase a few moments later and bent over to catch my breath. Then I saw the Hokage walk past me as if he had just been for a nice walk in the park.

I 'tch'ed at him and followed, with my hands in my pockets.

'Stupid old man.'

When we reached his office, he was greeted by many passing ninja. I had to give him credit for that though, being respected by so many, that's something to look up to. No wonder it was Naruto's dream. I smiled lightly at that thought, I really did hope to meet him. 

We entered the room and I looked around, it was pretty spacious. A few anbu appeared and looked at me in suspicion but the Hokage quickly waved them off, saying that I wouldn't be a threat. I scoffed mentally, dude I was with the Torture and Interrogation division not even an hour ago until he found out my clan name. 

He took a seat behind his desk and called someone over. Kakashi. He appeared with a poof of smoke and I stared in fascination.

'I wanna learn how to do that...' 

Although only a few moments later, the door to the old mans office burst open, and a man dressed in green appeared. He seemed... terrifying. To say the least. He had a bowl cut hair style and his teeth seemed so white I was sure he was trying to blind people. But that wasn't what terrified me. There were two giant caterpillars on his face, and I think they ate his eyebrows.

I gave a shrill scream and rushed behind the Hokage and looked at eyebrows in fear of the evil caterpillars eating me as well.

I heard a low chuckle beside me, the Hokage was laughing? Had I said some of that aloud?

Yep, you did kid. Congrats.

You did! You did say it, didn't you!


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