Chapter 4: You seem... Different

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When the doors had crashed open once more -it seemed to be a regular occurrence these days- the Hokage seemed mildly startled. But after recognising the face he greeted her in the same manner as usual. Then he noticed the faint glow that seemed to become brighter with each passing moment. Suddenly, the light diminished and the room was left in darkness -if only for a moment. And then came the blinding light, and a piercing screech from the small child before him.

The old man blinked away the dark spots in his vision and focused on the girl who had just collapsed. 

She wasn't moving.

The Hokage stared at her slightly shocked. Had he just witnessed the last Seki's death? This wouldn't be good at all. If word got out... no, that wouldn't happen. Only his most trusted shinobi's were with him and they knew how to keep secrets. But had a Seki really died, just like that?


Apparently not, as the girl sat up a moment later, with a slightly dazed expression. 

"Oh," the hokage whispered softly, "You're alive."

The girl frowned, "You want me dead or something?"

The hostility in her voice suggested that she had forgotten what she originally came for. Although she soon realised and searched around frantically. She didn't have to look far though, as only a few paces away from her, a small blue creature caught her attention.

"A dragon?" the young Seki had vocalised unsurely, as she wondered if this one would be in a terrible state upon awakening as well.

She picked it up, cradling it in her hands as she observed the dragon, and took in the fact that the dragon looked perfectly healthy - although, in retrospect, compared to Kuro, most things would.

The dragon opened their eyes slowly, blinking away the light and yawned. It glanced around the room, taking in the two faces quickly, but their gaze lingered slightly longer on the Seki.

It opened it's mouth and in a rude manner said, "Where is this place?"

The dragon had the voice of a highly unimpressed teenager, which was rather odd considering it had just been born.

"In the Hokage's Tower, you're in his office," Misuzu had offered, sounding rather pathetic at that given moment.

"H...h...hokage?" the dragon seemed to ponder on this before snapping his head up in realisation, "Yeah, that guy."

The dragon didn't seem to be confused so Misuzu asked, "Have you heard of him? How? Where?"

"Spirit school," the dragon had answered nonchalantly before realising the Hokage was still there.

"You didn't hear anything."

The Hokage chuckled, "Of course."

"I'm serious," the dragon exclaimed, "If you tell a single soul about this, I can guarantee you a one-way ticket straight to hell."


The dragon nodded... seemingly satisfied and turned to a confused Misuzu. It was silent for a while.

"So, do you have a name?" Misuzu finally broke the silence in a slightly awkward fashion as the dragon seemed to ponder on this.

"Not really, in spirit school we were given numbers for names. Our Seki counterparts give us our formal names which we then go by for the continuation of our lives," the dragon explained before continuing, "What should I be called then, Misuzu?"

The girl smiled and petted his head, "Then, how about Aoi?"

He sniffed, before he stared at her in disbelief and outrage, "No way! That sounds like a girls name! And I bet you only chose that name because it has 'ao' in it."

Misuzu really couldn't deny that. She wasn't good with names and decided to go with colours. Like with Kuro and the name Aoi would incorporate the colour blue... or green. So the girl thought for a while before deciding upon one final name.

"Then, Tetsuya? It suits you, it means philosophy and intelligence. You're smart so I thought I'd chose this name," in truth she'd picked an anime character's name who incidentally had blue hair, and also used unnecessary flattery -although it seemed to have worked.

The dragon looked rather thoughtful at that given moment, considering it carefully. It didn't take the blue scaled dragon long to decide, as he answered with a rather smug expression.

"I suppose you're right. Very well, that shall be my name."

She smiled once more before turning to the Hokage once more, who had decided to play deaf when the dragon followed her gaze. Coughing into her fist, she gained the Hokages attention. She stood awkwardly, presented the dragon once more before excusing herself.

Tetsuya had already fallen asleep and was curled around her neck when she reached Kakashi's house. She felt envious and bitter, the dragon found sleep so easily. She however did not. But she stopped and started to feel guilty. Tetsuya couldn't help it, and many others were the same. She tried to convince herself that this made her special. That it defined who she was and how it could be beneficial in the future. But it still left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Misuzu walked to her room and set Tetsuya down, said dragon squirmed slightly, obviously not happy, even if he was fast asleep. Kuro appeared not long after, and after a few seconds remoulded into their regal-er  state. They then climbed upon the bed, promptly falling asleep. The Seki forced the urge to push them off the bed out of her jealous mind.

She then realised that she needed to learn the clone jutsu if she wanted to be accepted into the academy and stick with the main characters. She probably wouldn't meet Naruto otherwise, either. So she left the room and quietly made her way to Kakashi's and knocked on the door. She was told to go in shortly after.

Kakashi obviously hadn't been sleeping as he was lazing on his bed reading his porn. She stared at him, obviously unimpressed. He looked at her before awkwardly coughing into his fist.

When he gained his recollection he asked, "Uh, what is it that you wanted?"

Blank stares. Kuro and Tetsuya had shown up as well, Kuro standing to the side meekly whilst Tetsuya had hoisted himself up onto two feet - crossing his arms in a sassy fashion. 

"I want to learn the clone jutsu," she stated plainly, observing the jounin's expression and his eyes widen in shock.

"You mean you don't know even basic jutsu?" Kakashi was confused, if she didn't know then why did she have that kunai?

Misuzu shook her head and looked to the floor, cheeks flushed. It wasn't her fault she didn't know, there weren't any ninjas or chakra where she came from.

Kakashi sighed, exasperated, "Fine, I'll teach you. But can I teach you in the morning?" he yawned in a very unconvincing manner, "I'm very tired right now."

The red-head huffed before she told him, "I can wait," and she walked back to her room, two small dragons in tow.

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