Chapter 2: Welcome to the Naruto World

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Bright light was shined onto my face. Birds had been singing, yet it was quiet. The cool breeze of the outdoors hit me in the face.

... Wait. Outdoors?

I sat up quickly and looked around, sure enough, I was outside. There was an earthy green bag beside me. But this place was strange. I was sure the weather forecast said it would be raining today, and yet the sun was shining brightly. The trees were greener than usual and everything was more... animated? I looked around cautiously, and wondered what the hell had just happened.

Maybe your parents finally ditched you.

I shook my head at this, they wouldn't have done that. Considering the fact that I've never seen the place and the fact that they barely acknowledge my existence as it is, they wouldn't bother. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and started walking in a random direction.

Hey, where are you going? You should be going that way. 

That was a new voice, it was rather small and it had a higher pitch. My progression forwards stopped immediately and I turned around and walked in the direction opposite, and received a hum of approval. Hesitantly, I asked where we were headed. 

Are you stupid?

We're going to Konohagakure

'...Right.' I thought with disbelief, they're just messing with me

I continued walking before I reached a stream, where I sat down to rest and to get a drink. I splashed my face with water before I walked over to a tree and sat beneath its shade. I stayed there for a while until I decided to continue, draping my bag over my shoulders before I continued forwards. I asked the voices where we were actually going.

You'll see.

I nodded, confused, but continued walking on anyway. But then I thought about how there were two voices now and I needed something to distinguish them. So I asked.

'What are your names? I kind of need something to call you both now. Seeing as there's two of you.'

Makes sense I guess. Well then kid, you may call me Jashin.

Oh! And you can call me Akuma! 

I nodded to myself and continued walking until I saw someone around the corner. They had silverish hair that looked like it had used a ton of hair gel. Jashin seemed to have came up with a great idea. He told me to walk up to this dude and freak him out. He was laughing a lot and I really didn't want to deal with his annoying behaviour if I didn't do this task so I walked up to him.

"Yo," well that was a rather casual greeting, considering that this guy is a fucking murderer, "You're that immortal dude right?"

He turned around and glared at me. 

"What's it to you?" He snapped as if I had just offended him.

I simply shrugged at his angry response and replied, "Jashin says hi."

And with that, I walked away. But not without turning around to see his regretful face, it was almost priceless. 

Akuma and Jashin were laughing as if I had just created and told the joke of the century. It wasn't that funny though, at least, I didn't think so. But I continued on with them and the mysterious green bag. I should probably open that soon.

Well yeah, you should. Because if you're ambushed by a certain group of people, and they search through your belongings, you will probably be decapitated on the spot.

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