-Jedi Training Pt. 2-

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The Five Tenets

Peace: Peace is Acceptance. A Jedi must accept that there are things they have control over and things they do not. Peace comes from accepting our limitations, the limitations of others, and accepting to grow beyond them. Peace comes from accepting our emotions and not allowing them to rule our lives or decisions. Peace is Acceptance.

Knowledge: For a Jedi knowledge begins with the self, and works outward. We seek knowledge that we may better serve others. Though it may not relate to our Path, all knowledge is worth having.

Serenity: More than just remaining level-headed even in a crisis. While a Jedi acts for and from peace, serenity is a state of being. A serene mind is an objective mind.

Harmony: Moderation in all things. Excessive emotions, whether "positive" or "negative," create an imbalance within the self. We as Jedi seek Harmony in all things. Balance is key to a Jedi's life, balance between mind, body, and spirit. Balance between technology and nature. Harmony between ourselves, the Force, and the World we live in.

The Force: The Jedi dedicate themselves to the Force, seeking to explore, experience and understand it. Through the Force we connect to the rest of the world and act accordingly.

The Five Truths

Commitment: One can have self-discipline, but if they are not committed to the path they walk, than they will wander off it. A Jedi stays the course, by remaining dedicated to the Path.

Self-Honesty: Jedi know that control begins with the self. Through self-honesty they gain self-knowledge, which helps in self-discipline. One cannot progress if they are not fully honest with themselves first.

Learning: There is always something more to learn. The Jedi understand that they will never be done learning. Whether a Master or an Apprentice, we continue as students.

Sacrifice: As Jedi we often have to make sacrifices at times. Giving of the self to help others. Using our personal time and resources to be there for others and continue our training.

Guidance: A Jedi offers guidance, when requested. Jedi, when ready, pass on their experience and lessons. Acting as a signpost to the Jedi Way

The Five Misconceptions

Segregation: People seek to create division - While our individuality may distinguish us, it does not change what we are. And if one does not follow the Jedi Way, then they are simply not a Jedi.

Religion: The Jedi Path is not a religion. There is no form of worship, no doctrine or defined scripture for the creation of the world; or for what happens in death. That is for each person to chose and believe for themselves. The Jedi is a Way of Life, an ideology, a lifestyle choice.

Compassion: A Jedi must understand a situation and react properly to it. Adhering to the "There is no emotion; there is peace" ideals presented within the Jedi Code, we must be mindful of compassion. Like all emotions we feel it, but that does not mean it should influence our decisions. We should do the right thing, because it is the right thing, not because we an emotion compels us to.

Star Wars: Though the Jedi are steep in the Star Wars mythos, it is not all they know. And one does not have to be a Star Wars geek or a (fictional) Jedi fanatic to become a Jedi. While Star Wars is our basis, it is not our reality.

Infallible: Jedi, no matter how powerful or clever, or how many years they have been training, are not infallible. There is nothing righteous or special about a Jedi, merely a person following and living their beliefs. And Jedi will fall and fail at times, but it is in picking themselves up and continuing again that matters the most. Jedi understand Failure is not the end.....

(The Five Practices: Meditation, Physical Fitness, Diplomacy, Awareness, and Self-Discipline.The Five Tenets: Peace, Knowledge, Serenity, Harmony, the Force. The Five Traits: Reliability, Objectivity, Humility, Patience, Wisdom. The Five Truths: Commitment, Self-Honesty, Learning, Sacrifice, and Guidance. The Five Misconceptions: Segregation, Religion, Compassion, Star Wars, Infallible.)

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