-Jedi Training pt. 4-

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  -Soul Food-

          Loving-kindness, or metta, as it is called in the Pali language, is unconditional, inclusive love, a love with wisdom. It has no conditions; it does not depend on whether one "deserves" it or not; it is not restricted to friends and family; it extends out from personal categories to include all living beings. There are no expectations of anything in return. This is the ideal, pure love, which everyone has in potential. We begin with loving ourselves, for unless we have a measure of this unconditional love and acceptance for ourselves, it is difficult to extend it to others. Then we include others who are special to us, and, ultimately, all living things. Gradually, both the visualization and the meditation phrases blend into the actual experience, the feeling of loving kindness.

           This is a meditation of care, concern, tenderness, loving kindness, friendship–a feeling of warmth for oneself and others. The practice is the softening of the mind and heart, an opening to deeper and deeper levels of the feeling of kindness, of pure love. Loving kindness is without any desire to possess another. It is not a sentimental feeling of goodwill, not an obligation, but comes from a selfless place. It does not depend on relationships, on how the other person feels about us. The process is first one of softening, breaking down barriers that we feel inwardly toward ourselves, and then those that we feel toward others.

 -Meditation Skills-

First, focus on yourself; breathe, relax, find your inner calm..(This may take a while)

                   May I be happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

Next, pick someone you have uncomplicated, joyous feelings of love for, like a child or a pet.

                        May ____ be happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

Next, pick someone close to you that you know well, a good friend, a spouse or significant other, a family member.

                         May ____ be happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

Next up, pick someone you don't know very well, but have basic friendly feelings for. A coworker, the checkout person at your local grocery store.

                        May ____ be happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

Next, move to a person or a group of people you have difficult or complex feelings for. An ex, a friend who has wronged you, maybe even someone in the community you are fighting with.

                         May ____ be happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

Then move your consciousness out and start to think about all living beings, in this room, in this state, in this country, on this planet, until you're filling the universe with the sensation of pure, unconditional compassion.

                    May all beings be safe, happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

                    May all living beings be safe, happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

               May all breathing beings be safe, happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

               May all individuals be safe, happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

            May all beings in existence be safe, happy, healthy, and free from inner or outer harm.

 -The Jedi Trials-

            The Trial of Skill- is persistence in the face of distraction and exhaustion. Control and self-discipline require long hard work to build, and consistent prolonged effort to maintain.

            The Trial of Courage- is persistence in the face of external fears. A Knight cannot let the fears that besiege them halt them on their path or interfere with their goals.

           The Trial of Flesh- is persistence in the face of pain. Pain and death are natural parts of life that humans avoid, but we cannot let our limitations limit the scope of our path, or let our wounds scar so badly that we lose flexibility and trust.

           The Trial of Spirit- is persistence in the face of internal fears, or insecurities. Just as Luke in the Cave, or Yoda on the planet of the Whills, we must look deep within ourselves to face whatever darkness lies there, so it cannot undermine us or thwart our path.

           And the Trial of Insight- is persistence in the face of illusion and ignorance. A Jedi must not be led astray by bias, false assumptions, lies, or illusory things; a Knight has to see clearly to forge the path ahead.

 --You Are On Your Way To Becoming A Jedi--

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