-Jedi Training Pt. 3-

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--Back To Reality--

1.)      Exercise: Mind and Body. You probably hear this advice all the time. Get out and get some exercise. Chemically you produce endorphin which, awesome. It provides a time to focus and clear the mind. A it addresses point number three by punishing the past you, gives a good experience for present you, and a nice gift for future you. Exercising is just good for you. But don't forget that muscle in your skull. Exercise by reading and studying. Fictional or otherwise, pick up some books and experience and explore some new ideas, feelings, and concepts.

2.)       No Days Off: Jedi is a lifestyle, not a job. You don't get a weekend to forget being a Jedi. This doesn't mean no fun of course. Plenty of fun to be had as a Jedi, of course. And there will be days where you just don't want to do ANYTHING. But just before you go to bed a bit unhappy that you in fact didn't do anything. Stop. Do one push-up and one sit-up. Pick up a book and read one sentence. Recite the Jedi Code in your head just once. Take a deep breath and remember point four. Now you can go to bed. Just one, you can do at least that. Because one is not nothing.

3.)     Honor All of You: The Past, Present, and Future all factor into our lives. Acknowledge your past self. While you may not agree with past decisions, they have helped lead to to this moment. Be grateful for that. You are alive and in a position to doing something. You can drive towards your goal. Secondly, we hear it a lot. Focus on the present. Embrace this moment because it is very important. Indeed, "keep the mind here and now where it belongs." Vital and plays a part to the person we usually hurt the most – our future self. Don't set yourself up for failure. Be kind to that future you. Understand you will be there, your next moment depends on this one, so do right by it. Give your future self something to be grateful for. Stop hindering and harming yourself and start building the steps that you'll use to get to the next level.

4.)     Accept It: This is most important. Some might label this – Forgive Yourself. Either way the point is the same – realize that what is done is in fact done. You will make mistakes. You will have days where you do one push-up, one sit-up, and read one sentence, because you just couldn't get going. We all have bad days, rough weeks, and sometimes horrible months. Do not let it define you. Do not get so down on yourself that you give up. Accept it. Forgive Yourself. Move Forward. Right now. You can make the decision to simply let go and move forward. Difficult? Absolutely. Impossible? Of course not. Will it take time? Yep. Effort and hard work? Yep. Will it be worth it? Ab-so-Forcing-lutely. So accept and continue towards your goal Jedi.

--Quotes For The Soul--

"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars."

"Feel, don't think. Use your instincts"

"Feel. Be Open. But don't allow emotions to override your rationale."

"It is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it."

"Your focus determines your reality."

"Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel, don't think, use your instincts."

"Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love."

"You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

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