Chapter 1... 'Let it Go'

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Savannah's POV

'Hey baby' says Maverick wrapping his hands around my waist from behind.

Maverick is my wonderfully sweet boyfriend who's 6'1 and has a six pack (HOT!) the school's most popular boy, wanted by all the girls but for some unknown reason he chose me! I mean I'm average looking, smart and I have a wonderful group of friends but I'm not the most popular girl in school. That title belongs to the 'B' squad. I think you can figure out what the B stands for. Their personalities match their nick names. They have a reputation for being air heads, mean, yeah ok stylish and incredibly rich! Everyone in this school has to have come from a rich family cause hello it is a private school, but they practically own the school cause of all the donations and crap their parents donate to save them from all the trouble they cause. Usually bullying the Nerds and Asians, Africans and other coloured  people out there except me. I like to think their scared of me but I know they can't touch me because of Maverick. He can crush their reputation in a flash. Not that he would ever do that but if it came to it for me he would.  Oh their pretty too but they ruin it with all the makeup they slather on.

"Hey Mave, what's up?'' I say turning my head and kissing his cheek. He turned me around to face him and his teasing grin meets my eyes. I swoon as I see his dimples appear, wait a minute..Swoon? I don't swoon but okay it happened, let's just forget it.

I smiled and swept his dirty blonde hair off of his forehead and tucked it behind his ear, I like it long it gives him a hot bad boy look but his shorter hair. Oh.My.Tofee! It's like angels themselves created this Greek God in front of me.

Maverick kisses me on the lips and whispers against them,

"You look beautiful today baby.'' he pulls away and stares into my dark brown eyes as if he can see my soul through them. I decide to make him sweat and give him a playful glare and say,

"Don't I look beautiful everyday?'' he laughs his beautiful deep masculine laugh and says

"Of course you do! I just don't say it often enough'' okay major swoon time Savannah!

"You swooning at me sweetheart?'' he jokes and I can't help but laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his sister Ava glaring at me. My smile fades and reality hits me.

I could never truly have a happy open relationship with Maverick because 1) his mum and sisters HATE me, ODIO, HAAT, 恨, μισώ, PAGKAMUHI,HATEN. Whichever way or language you look at it it's all HATRED. You ask why? Because I'm Black! To them Blacks and Whites can't mix, white dominate and are superior. Normally racist people don't bother me because their immature, selfish and have no sense of integrity but this is Maverick's family. I can't help but wish they were more open minded but what can I do? I'm just a Black African girl to them, I can't change their minds but sometime in the future I hope I can help them understand that equality is more important than anything else except Jesus. Maverick believes I can do it so I'll try for him. I hate that they judge me because of my colour.

Second reason is that my parents don't think I'm old enough to have a boyfriend. Simple as that but I'm not worried about them I can hide it easily since their so busy with work.

Maverick sees my frown (which I did not realise I was doing) and looks over at the same direction I was looking at which was towards his sister, he takes my hand and steers me towards the school bench. I sit down and stare at my hands which are sitting in my lap. Maverick however decided he wanted to see my face and tilts my chin up so I am looking directly at his mesmerizing cerulean eyes.

Maverick can capture my attention like no other, it scares the crap outta me because he has such a massive effect on me but I can't help it. I love him, trust him and own him (I admit I love the last fact!)

"Savannah Taddie Mason, ignore my sister, she's in a bad place right now cause her boyfriend of 2 years broke up with her so everyone who's happy becomes her enemy. Hell I'm tired of her crap but just ignore her ok, I do." Maverick tries to soothe me but it still bugs me.

"Maverick we need to be realistic here. She hate me cause I'm black. I'm nothing but trash to your family.'' I pout at him, childish I know but I'm sick of everything. Its too much pressure on me.

"Then thank God they're not dating you are they? I am. #I don't care what they say I'm in love with you# and I don't intend on sharing you. You're mine.'' he replies. I love that he loves to sing quotes even though -and I hate to admit this but my boyfriend is not one of the best singers in the world. He does it because he knows I like it.

I give him a small smile but it disappears quickly,

"-But..'' I start to say but he interrupts me by saying

"Let it go okay baby?'' he smirks then stands up on the bench and then looks down at me. He winks at me before he starts singing or more like belting the chorus from the song 'Let it go' from the Disney film Frozen excepts he changes the lyrics to his own

"Let it Go, Let it Go! Let them think what they wanna thi i ink,

Let it go, let it go! To hell to what they sayyy.

Here we aree in this perfect looove, let the haters hate,

Who cares about what they have to say?..''

Everyone claps for him and whistle their appreciation. I don't know whether to cry it's so sweet or laugh because it was overly out of tune. I give in and let my smile show. A couple of people shout 'Savannah you're so lucky! You two are perfect' 'Savannah and Maverick forever' and my favourite one "Savannah I want to have you're boyfriend's babies!'  I know the last one came from our group of friends. They always make funny, stupid comments. Aww I love them.

I was so happy until someone hatefully spat cruel words in my ear saying,

"You know he was looking at me through that entire song. (does she not know that we were looking straight into each other's eyes during his performance or is she just blind?)  "Take that silly smile off your face, your gonna look stupid when he leaves you for me cause he will. Save yourself the humiliation and be the first to walk away. You're nothing! You don't belong with him.''

My face grew hot and tears burned my eyes. I refused to let them fall. I was a strong independent, I was a I-take-no-crap-from-anyone kinda girl. I turn around ready to give her a piece of my mind and face the spiteful girl who thinks so low of me. I meet her eyes and gasp in surprise when I see her...

Unloved Love...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora