Chapter 3 'Insults'

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''You monster! I trusted you, I loved you like a sister Nick. Stood up for you when everyone else turned their backs on your b****y ass.'' I screamed at her. I was making a scene but I didn't care; I was blinded with rage and hurt but most of all betrayal. Hate- a feeling I didn't even know I was capable of feeling was coursing through my veins. Maverick had his arms around me but his body was tense. Suddenly Kingsley (Nicky's boyfriend and a friend who was more like my brother)  came barrelling through the crowd who parted like the Red Sea for him. He had that effect on people like Maverick; they dominated the school. Nicky switched from her smug look to her 'pouty/upset' look. King looked like he was about to murder someone as he reached Nicky.

'Baby what's wrong?' he asked her and I scoffed and rolled my eyes. King glared at me and gasped as I realised he was taking her side in his situation. Kingsley and I were siblings, tight and we knew each other better than anyone else bit I couldn't deny the hurt I felt at this moment. I was feeling majorly pissed of now I realised that  Nicky was just playing with Kingsley, she used him for his looks, popularity and caring nature.

'Savannah's mad at me because of a misunderstanding. I came into the toilet to apologise but she and Maverick attacked me verbally! She called me a monster and he's glaring at me like he wants to murder me.' She told him bursting into fake tears. I knew FAKE when I saw it.

'Savannah is that true?' Kinsley turned to look at me with doubt in his eyes. Me not being two faced I answered him truthfully.

'Yes Kingsley I attacked her verbally that part was true and the part about Maverick was probably too but no she didn't come to apologise she came to cause trouble. She's a piece of work. I hate her right now and take her side if you want but you might want to get both sides of the story first before you assume that me and Maverick are the bad guys. Just remember who stuck by you all these years, the one that knows you better than anyone else and the one that has been through so much with you.'' I said and walked away.

Before I could disappear around the corner she called out,

'You know Savannah jealousy doesn't suit you' I turned around slowly my eyes landed on her laughing ones. she walked towards me and laughed humourlessly.

'Just because you got friend zoned by  Kinsley badd you don't have to be jealous because he's happy with me and you should be happy that he's happy if your a real friend.' she said.

Everyone was 'ooohing' and 'ahhhhing' around us.

'Don't you dare talk to me about TRUE FRIENDS, you have no idea what they are even if it hit you in the face. You have no moral or heart Nicky, your not the girl everyone thinks you are. Sweet? Friendly? NO! PEOPLE TOLERATE YOU BECAUSE OF KINSLEY! Our whole group sheltered you but all you've done is cause trouble and fall outs.'' I said.

'Oh please your pathetic friends? Nerdy and half the time I was embarrassed to be around them...yeah pathetic.'' she spat out. I could see Jennifer and Paisley holding Alexa and Kendall back. Alexa took the 'Nerdy' comment to heart as she's insecure about herself, not to mention she's Asian too. Everyone's racist to her. Kendall hated being called pathetic.

'Ha! SEE? Your friends are uncontrollable and chaotic. Kendall's just a wannabe fake Barbie. She thinks so highly of herself. Jennifer thinks everyone worships the ground she walks on and not to mention FLIRT! Tammy? Yeah what a creep? So quiet and stalker type she's just creepy. Ha Alexa now she's a MAJOR nerd freak, thinks she's so clever the fat dork! No wonder no boys like her. Paisley, Paisley Paisley she's like so two faced! She acts all nice to your face but when the backs are turned she's complaining about you behind your back. You my dear... I don't want to embarrass you in front of your boyfriend so I'll keep it to myself.'' she said feeling satisfied with her insults. I was seeing red! I would be all up in her face right now if it wasn't for Mavericks arms around my waist.

Maverick stepped in front of me and turned to her with a hateful glare,

'Shut up! Nick everything you just said was a lie, lies are all you seem to be able to say. All the insults apply to YOU!'' he said.

Kinsley let go of Nicky and pushed Maverick off of me.

'Don't talk to her like that. You have no right. Jerk.' Kinsley punched Maverick's chest.

'Your sticking up for her? You don't even know what's happened the stuff she's said about OUR friends Kingsley. You gonna let her dominate you and walk all over your friends? I didn't think you were that kind of person' Maverick answered back,and pushed King in return.

'Man touch me!' screamed Kingsley and the fist fight began. Maverick was pulled off of Kingsley by our friend Liam and Kingsley was being held back by Cameron.

I was so shocked I was frozen in the spot, never have I seen Kinsley and Mave fight. Maverick pushed Liam of and stalked of towards the school exit.

Ava was stood next to Nicky and began comforting her, phhhtf as if she needed it she liked to see King fight for her. Ava turned her ice cold glare on me and hissed,

' This is all your fault Negro! If it wasn't for you my brother wouldn't have been hurt. That's all you kind ever do isn't it? Cause trouble and chaos. Go back to where you came from.'' 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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