Chapter 2 'Betrayed'

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Maverick's POV..

I hopped off the bench and thanked everyone who liked my show. To be honest the only opinion I  cared about was Savannah's. I looked down at her and saw her starring after her best friend Nicky. The girl was hot I gotta admit, I was attracted to her before I saw Savannah. People thought we were gonna get together you know typical stereotypes when the blonde haired and blue eyed guy gets together with the blonde haired and blue eyed girl. Whatever I don't care for stereotypes.

Savannah and Nicky were complete opposites. Nicky was light skinned, blue eyed, blonde and wasn't particularly friendly towards anyone she thought was 'below her' but other than that she was actually sweet and honest. Savannah however was literally perfect. Dark skinned, dark brown hair and cute 'rugby ball' eyes that couldn't lie. I could always tell when Vannah was being honest about her feelings. She had a smile that rocked my world too, see? Perfect! No one could ever compare to my girl; her beauty combined with her awesome personality, man I was a goner.

Wonder what happened to them? Nicky wouldn't walk away from Vannah and Vannah wouldn't let her. They were tighter than sisters. Savannah looked down at her hands and wiped something off of her face. I saw the tears before she could hide them from me. My blood boiled at the thought of anyone hurting my girl, she was strong and is quite capable but I can't help but feel protective of her. I pulled her up on her feet and led her to the girls bathrooms and locked the doors. I sat her down of the counter and wiped her face gently with the paper towels I took from the dispenser next to her head. Then I stood in between her legs and stroked her cheek. touching her always calmed me for some reason-not that  was complaining I loved touching her soft skin.

I set my hands down on either side of her hips and leaned down to place my forehead against hers and closed my eyes. I took deep breaths to calm myself down and waited for her to speak. I wouldn't push her I knew she'd tell me when she was ready.

"Maverick I-II I'' she started but was too upset to talk.

"Sshhhh' I said to soother her. "It's okay baby, talk to me when you're ready. I'm here for you, always will be. I'm here and anytime you need me I'll be there.'' I say and I mean every single word of it.

She gave a small smile but it quickly turned into a frown. "Mave she hates me, Nicky hates me'' she whispered. I was confused as hell.

"Vannah baby I'm sure she doesn't hate you, she's sweet she could never hate anyone much less you.'' I said to her. She pushes me away, jumps down and starts pacing back and forth.

"She said that you were starring at her through the entire performance, that you would leave me for her and she was certain that you would! She called me dirt. DIRT Maverick Dirt! She said that we don't belong too. My own best friend.'' Savannah said in a tortured voice that killed me inside.

I cursed and punched the wall. I was so angry I could only see red. My hand throbbed but I cared more about the hurt and betrayal Savannah was feeling. She gasped and cradled my hand in her tiny ones. She kissed each knuckle and I felt amazed. Amazed that even though she was hurting she still thought about how I felt. I saw that I had made a dint in the wall and the pain from my hand nearly blinded me. There was a knock on the door jus as I was about to run my fingers under the cold tap. Nicky's flirtatious voice-one I was familiar with since she always used it around me and the other guys from the football team called out,

"Mave?'' I scowled. Only Savannah was allowed to call me that. "Maaave? Sweetie, are you in there? I thought I saw you walk in there. You do realise it's the girls bathroom right? But oh well you must be upset about how ungrateful Savannah reacted to your version of the song. I loved it Mave so why don't you let me try and help you feel better? We can hang out or something.''

I cursed again and thought maybe Savannah was right, Nicky was flirting with me, talking crap about her supposed best friend maybe she is capable of hate? I stiffened when Savannah glared at the door and started to charge to wards it. She pulled the door open with such force I was surprised it didn't come off the hinges.

"You-'' Savannah started to say but I pulled her back to my chest but she still turned a glare towards Nicky's shocked then disgusted face.

"You-.'' ...!!

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