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Kyle's pov
Angle has been in a coma for a  week now everyday her  heart stops beating. It is just killing me inside that she is like this if i had never  yelled at her when she was coming down the stairs  then this would had   Never happened to her . I love her so much . Hey dude my best  friend  Nick.  Juat as he came in  her heat stopped beating for the 2 time today. The Dr. had us go out of the room but i just could not leave my little sister.  I am all the she really has  she has just been hurt too much. Then the Dr. Came back out of her room  vut not before telling me again for like the 100 time that when that happens I have to leave the room.

Cam's POV
I was on Facebook  and i saw that the girl the looks just like me and has the same name as my sister is in a coma all over Facebook. Nash came into the room so ig now would  be a good time to tell him about my little sister. So Nash i got to tell you something but u got to promise not to freak out at me for not telling u before now, cam said   Bro what is it u can tell me, Nash said. Ihaveasiaterthathaabeenmissingscinceshewastwo, cam said really fast. Bro not so fast, says Nash. Ok I have a little sister that has been missing since she was two, I say. WOW that feels really good to tell someone, I say.  Nash just sits there and looks at me but  i cut him off before he could speak and tell him that I think that  my sister could be the  girl that looks just like me, and that she is in a coma.  Nash then tells me  that i should go see her in the hospital cuz she is here in L.A.   That is when I  decide to go to she that girl.  

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