Deal (Ohmtoonz) Supernatural AU

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Ohm wasn't an idiot.

He knew what he was doing. He was a hunter, had hunter friends, Delirious and Wildcat, he'd seen what they did, what they'd experienced. He'd been through some of the same things. He knew the dangers of sitting at these crossroads and rendering himself vulnerable to something.

He wasn't an idiot.

He was far from it, actually. Ohm was one of the smartest in his group of friends and was always prepared for the worst situations.

But, one thing he was? Desperate.

He was tired, lonely, and desperate.

He needed to make this deal, or else he would drive himself crazy. He needed this and no matter how stupid the idea was, he needed this and he would go through with it.

Besides, it wasn't like he hadn't set up the proper precautions. He had his holy water on him, knew his exorcisms like the back of his hand, and the devil's trap that surrounded the hole in the ground made sure he would be safe.

He was experienced, but not enough, as Delirious often reminded him. Because although it was true he was the ideal hunter and good at what he did, he had never actually met a demon in his few years of fighting.

He considered himself lucky.

Lucky that he never had to recite the known exorcisms (that he memorized nonetheless) or kill a demon's host. Lucky that he never got the chance to be possessed or killed by the hands of a black eyed monster.

So, when it came to this, he had no idea what to expect.

He knew the basics, negotiate, make a deal, sell your soul, but he really didn't know anything above that.

Ohm didn't even know if he would be dealing with a demon, or The Devil himself.

He probably should've asked Wildcat or Delirious, or looked it up. But he definitely didn't want either of them knowing what he was doing, and he had been in a rush to get it done.

So now here he was, dropping a picture of himself in a box and closing it, shoving the thing under the dirt and rocks, and pushing himself off the ground, taking a deep breath as he waited.

His stomach flipped as he took in the absolute realness of his current situation.

He was actually going through with this.

With the deal of a lifetime.

It was terrifying, to say the least. Never in his life did he imagine he'd do something so stupid.

But, he didn't care, as long as this deal could bring back something he so desperately wanted, needed.

Something he lost and couldn't live without.

He closed his eyes, thinking about the recent loss, holding back tears, exhaling slowly, and when he opened them, Ohm was a bit disappointed to see that no one was there.

He looked around, calling out a couple of curse words to maybe lure the thing to him, but nothing came.

All he got was the cold silence of the rather chilly autumn night.

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