chapter 10-the catalist

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((Sky's POV))-minutes later - "Funny..this whole situation" *i mutter to myself* "It's happened before..the alien traitor..shit hitting the fan with a lot of velocity.."*i keep muttering as the pain in my shoulder pulses as I roll from under the car to my feet leaning against the car knowing whoever shot me is probably coming to finish the job and I smirk slightly as the sniper comes running around the corner, rifle across his back and a glock 19 in his hands and then i loose track of whats real and whats in my head*-in skys head- *as the man comes running i see Will and raise my revolver in near disbelief and we just stand there a moment guns trained on one another*-in reality- *i open fire and the other guy does as well and after landing a couple shots on him i go down iin pain as three shots hit me and hitting my head on the car i black out*(lukes POV) *as blayke dawson and i roll up to the hotel in a borrowed truck i slam on the breaks and duck as shots are fired and then dawson and i jump out and fire six shots into a man across the street who raises his gun at us and then i spot sky on the ground unconscious and run over while dawson confirms the kill*"we gotta get sky to the ER!" *i call to dawson after inspecting his four bullet wounds and he runs over and helps me carry sky to the car and we peel off towards the hospital after getting him loaded in*-minutes later- *when we reach the ER skys rushed into surgery and then the local police come talk to us about what happened after a couple hours*-about 4 hours later- *dawson and i leave to go investigate after a doctor comes to say sky is out of surgery and is expected to recover but wont be awake until morning* "be careful you two" *blayke says to us as we stand to leave* "funny, that you think being "careful" is important at this point" *dawson says* "and it's even funnier how these jerks don't understand one very important thing, you mess with us and, like John snow..we come back" *i say with a smile* "I'm coming with you" *blayke says after a moment firmly* "no your not" *dawson and I both say* "family is more important, stay here we'll be fine" *i say and Dawson and I run from the waiting room out the door and to the truck*

The Watchers- end game (the watchers sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora