chapter 20-when everything comes crashing

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(alexs POV) i begin to whistle a tune as the fight winds down with most of the shrouds men dead, the girl at my side reloading her lever action and sky took out a blood stained 1911, inscribed with the latin phase "exitus acta probat" or "the outcome justifies the deed" which tells me its one of masons guns as he leveled it at the shrouds head "any last words?" he asks "yeah" the shroud says "checkmate!" a voice behind him says and dalton steps around a corner "you sorry son of a" sky says as the shroud steps away wiping the blood from his face as the rest of us prepare for the fight we know is coming "i suggest you look down the road your about to walk" sky says "and prepare to meet your maker " dalton smirked a bit "you wont kill me" he looked around "you dont have the balls" sky nodded "you know something..i think your right" he steps back "the same cant be said for everyone else though sky tosses me the pistol "let em have it!" i call before a sniper shit hits dalton square in the chest followed by two more and then the loud boom of the rifle from which they came and we look up to see the glint of a rifle on the nearby hill and we all know it was luke who took the shot as had to land the chopper mid-fight due to low ammo and we all turned back to the shroud with me and dawson walking up to him, guns in hand "in the name of god" i say "for all we hold dear" dawson butts in "for ellie..and every other soul youve taken from this world" the girl steps forward "may god judge you for your deeds, as he sees fit " she cocks her rifle as dawson and i do the same though seconds before we open fire a helicopter flies low overhead and a small army of black cars come rolling up and we all whirl around as a man in a suit, shades and a fancy fedora steps from a car and takes off his glasses "who the hell are you?" sky asks "the names mark" the man says adjusting his tie "and i suggest you dont kill that man"sky scoffs "not me you have to worry about" he turns to the rest of us "do it" he says sternly and with that the three of us unload our weapons into the shroud and turn around and each of us nod to sky who turns back to mark "like a said, not me" "OY!" We hear someone shout from behind us and whirl around to see multiple copies of the shroud standing behind us "oh...shit" the girl says "for fucks sack" i mutter "does this guy ever die?" Dawson asks "no, no he doesnt" sky says stepping forward catching a shotgun tossed by luke in one hand and holding the other of masons 1911s in the other "and im at a loss for words," he pauses "and id have some catch phase, maybe a song to sing or maybe even a good quote to go in the history books but, the shire...Fact, that im having this conversation is enough to make me question the gravity of these events and ask myself, what the hell is going on? It makes no though this chapter of our lives is being drawn out for some exaggerated purpose" he cracks his neck a bit and smirks "and hey," he takes the shotgun in both hands and steps forward "its no more or less then ive kicked your ass with before, just a shotgun" he smirks "and maximum. mother fucking effort!" he charges forward and opens fire taking ouut all three before they can even get off a shot "not bad!" we hear a voice say over the booming intercom system "i swear to god.." sky mutters as a low mechincal hum fills the air and clones come from all sides "well" dawson says "what the fuck do we do now?" sky frowns looking through the army around us but we're all sstartled by the sound of a trumpet blowing "you hear that you son of a bitch?!" sky shouts with a renewed cocky attitude "thats victory, and unfortantly for you, only one side is going to be left standing when the smoke clears and its gonna be mine!" he takes out a flare "but, may the odds, be ever in you favor" he turns to us " get to cover!" he calls before popping the flare and diving for some himself before mortar strikes rain down and a pair of heavily armored soilders advance in with miniguns taking out whats left with ease and sky bolts deeper into the park with me following close behind until we reach a cellar of some kind and i duck in before sky can and see a lot of machinery all over the place "cloning lab" i mutter "what the hells it ding in a theme park?" sky chuckles "i believe its something to do with the safari themed area, something to do with how they populated the zoo in it i think " he says after a moment and runs to a control panel "gotta get this shut down help me!" he says and i quickly sit down at a computer and start running through what manuals and stuff i can find, in a mad rush to figure this out and laying my guns on the table i start running around the room messing with terminals and buttons in a precise order while sky drops to a kneel and takes out his glock 19 from the holster in his left shoe to cap a couple clones coming down the stairs before his gun misfires "probably need to clean that!" i say as i keep working "shut up!" he snaps just before we hear a shout above ground followed by the boom of a sniper rifle "oh..shit" sky says before running upstairs while i keep working until i just get frustrated "fuck this" i mutter and run upstairs to see the group huddled togther in a defensive formation with sky on his knees over someone crying and i turn pale having a bad feeling about whats going to happen as luck appears beside me and quickly pushes his way into the crowd and kneels beside sky quickly getting to work with what supplies and tools he has looking grim and i look around a second before bolting east after logan as he runs in a mad dash like no man ever has and before long hes made a gap between me and him and i slow knowing i cant keep up and spot him fire his rifle twice at a cloaked figure and then jump kick it hard in the chest knocking them down hard and takes out his pistols, leveling them at two more who step from the shadows as i run up and they remove theyre hoods showing massive burns all over their faces "id make a deadpool joke" i say between my gasps for air "but damn, i think even he would say you people are ugly " logan chuckles "and if i were him, id most certainly have killed you assholes in the last book, when it was story important" the figures smirk "you did" one says "just not correctly" i look around confused "somebody wanna explain this shit?" i ask "remember the alien invasion?" he ask "hard not to" i pause "are you saying what i think you are?" he nods "holy shit" he nods "just when i thought shit couldnt be worse" i scoff "stop thinking always gets worse when you think that" he nodded "your right" he looked around "you wouldnt happen to have any reinforcements to call in would you?" i smile "of course i do, get me a radio" he tosses me one and i tune it to the proper frequency and begin talking into it with quick and coded shorthand which only myself and my backup know and then put the radio on my belt and take out m guns hearing someone shout for logan behind me "i got this, go" i say as he shoots me a look and with a slight nod he runs towards the call and i level my pistols at the aliens in front of me "so, whose dying first?" they all smirk and scoff "bitch please" i hear a firmilar voice say as two more step from the shadows and take off the hoods obscuring their faces "you son of a bitch" i say seeing steven alive and well and he just smirks until dawson walks up and the two make eye contact "ready for me to kick your ass again?" he asks, cracking his knuckles and loading his M4 carbine and slinging it over his shoulder "because being the engineering man i am, i solve problems" he steps back looking around "not problems like what is beauty, because that would fall under the purviews of your conundrums of philosophy, no, i solve practical problems. Like how to keep some big motherhubbered like you from comin' back to life over and over again" he ducks into a supply shed nearby and comes out with a tool box and some electronics "the answer is, use a gun" he starts working "and if if that dont work, use more gun" he works on his contraption a few minutes and after scrounging for more parts he finishes up "like this little 5.56mm, heat seeking number, of my own design" he smiles and unshoulders his rifle as more come running out and the shrourd sends men towards the others "go!" he shouts "i got this!" i run towards the others as logan opens fire along with the mystery girl and i pull out my pistols and open fire as i get close and join the protective grouping as the men retreat and we all reload and prepare ourselves for whats coming

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