chapter 12-action time

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-somewhere near the texas border 0:05 (12:05 am)-(lukes POV)*as i turn the truck fro the main road onto an old not well maintained road covered in tree roots and drive a little while we roll up on an old military building with a radio tower nearby and i quickly turn off the engine and hop out telling dawson to stand guard outside while i go in and as i step in and flip the main breaker the various radios and computers in the room come to life and i sit down in front of a microphone*"this is an emergency broadcast for all known receivers on the orical communications network...and as medic and current leader of the watchers..i can say we have a fucking situation on our hands as we're down to three members with a fourth whose currently MIA..and we are being hunted by an unknown person or could be the damn devil at this requesting help from those who are able..but i warn you...this is going to get deadly..and it has me scared..which says a lot......because i dont scare easy long story short...this is outpost overwatch.....requesting help from anyone who can give it..signing off, god be with us"*i say into the mic and hit enter on the nearby computer to transmit the message as i hear dawson shout outside and grabbing a rifle i get ready to run outside*

(dawsons POV) -a few minutes earlier-*as i watch the thin treeline for movement i turn as the facilities generators hum to life and then whirl around hearing movement in the darkness and slide a pair of night vision googles on and duck for a nearby cover position as i watch and listen and then theres the sound of fighting and then a girl looking about 14 stumbles into the clearing bloody switchblade in her left hand empty handgun in her right and after a moment i recognize her as my own adopted daughter and as shock sets in i shout to get lukes attention and run to her and spot the bodies of sereral men behind her and it becomes clear why shes here, because this is the spot i told her to come if she was ever attacked...and im filled with anger as luke runs out to see me hugging her tightly and standing up i turn to him and holster my pistol while my daughter cleans her switchblade on her shirt and puts it away*"whose she?"*luke asks*"my daughter"*i say as my hands start to shake*"and this shit just got personal"*i say gritting my teeth*"since these assholes just tried to kill her"*luke nods*"looks to me like she had good training "*he says seeing the trail of bodies*"yeah...i taught her well"*i say smiling slightly*"her names Ellie by the way"*i add after a moment and he nods*"lets move"*he says and runs to the truck with me and Ellie not far behind him and with quick speed we all get in the truck and we speed off as several unmarked black cars speed after us in the dark* -meanwhile-(blakyes POV) *as i sit in the waiting room of the hospital as see four men in black suits enter and i stand up and block their path*"can i help you gentlemen with something?"*i ask raising a brow as i see them get nervous and as one of them notices the watchers logo on my jacket anther reaches for their weapon but i out draw them and have my pair of pistols aimed at them and smile ready to shoot them but then a breaking news draws my attention away for a moment which allows them to draw their weapons and then a third man steps into the fight*"well..looks like we have ourselves a Mexican stand off here"*i say coldly as the news report clicks off the body count of a new mysterious pandemic thats sweeping across the U.S

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