3: Tripping

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(Pictured Above: Jim Morrison.
(12/8/1943-7/3/1971). Heart attack under unknown circumstances.)

After hours of tossing and turning in a semi-resting state, I sit up on the booth in the old tavern. Confused at first, I remember my arrival at the bar and my somewhat awkward conversation with the Brian guy. Everything started to clear up and I decided to walk to the bathroom. I didn't have to piss or anything, I just needed a breath and some time alone.

I get to the bathroom and slam the doors behind me. I go over to the sink and turn it on, splashing the freezing water onto my face. I glance into the mirror. I look paler than I normally do and my eyes look a little red, but i assume that's from either being in a smoky bar or being dead.

I sit down against the wall. It's probably filthy and covered with all sorts of bodily fluids but I could care less. I close my eyes. Fuck, was I tired. Tired of everything. As I sit there the light the shined through my eyelids seemed to fade away, until it was all black. I was alone again.It stayed like this for a while, then all of a sudden, it feels hot.

I opened my eyes. I was in car. It was awfully hot. I opened the door and step out. I look at my legs and they look old and wrinkled. I turn around to see the building. that dreaded apartment building. It was where I had called home for two years. I look at one of the balconies on the building, the balcony of my room. Of course, there I was, stumbling and tripping balls. I remember that day, so why are they showing me this? I watch myself pull them up onto the balcony, sitting on the railing. Then there was sudden yelling coming from the room, probably directed towards the version of me up on the balcony. Then, in horror, I watch myself lose balance the slip off the railing. Then I just fall and fall and fall for what felt like years, until splat! I watch my brains spill out onto the sidewalk. I threw up. I mean, I'm fine with gore here and there, but just watching myself die so brutally and awfully, it really freaked me out.

Screams could be heard from everywhere. I saw my friend run out of the building and to my feet as he reached for his phone. I still stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to do. I watched as myself was loaded into an ambulance and driven off. I then passed out and everything once again faded out.

My eyes opened once more. I was in a hospital. The smell of disinfectant was thick in the air. There were 'Get well' balloons surrounding my bed. I felt my head. No stitches. Who the hell was I then? I looked at my arm. My skin was once again wrinkled and I had an IV stuck inside me. I had one of those weird oxygen masks on. A doctor walked in. "Mr. Hopper, you're awake. You have some visitors." A middle aged woman walked in, smiling. I could feel myself smile back. "Darling, I'm so glad you're here." I said. Maybe she's my daughter. "Dad. I'm so glad to see you." I was right. She hugged me from my bed and I winced. "Sorry." she said, moving her hands off of me. She stood up. "Doctor, how is he doing?" She whispered but I could still hear her. The doctor whispered back. "He's much more stable than yesterday, but I don't think he has much time left." She sighed and bit her lip, probably trying not to cry. She sat down next to me and held my hand with teary eyes. "Father, I hope everything will be fine, but if something happens, I love you so much." "I love you t-" I had a striking pain in my chest. i rolled my eyes into the back of head. I heard the woman screaming and the doctor calling in people, the nothing.

Suddenly, I'm in a room. It's empty with the exception of a mirror and what I think is my glasses on the floor. I haven't worn these in a while, I thought. I've been too busy trying to master the art of contacts. Eyes still hurt like a bitch. I chuckled. I put my glasses on, as my vision was very blurred as normal. I looked at the mirror with nothing else to do and made funny faces as if I was a child. "You have seen the future." A voice whispered. It shocked my. "You were wrong." It said. It sounded raspy and gross. "You were wrong" It repeated. I looked in the mirror to see I was bleeding from my nose and mouth. What the fuck? "You were wrong" It said louder. It kept on repeating over and over and louder and louder. As it was happening, I was in great pain. I head a cracking nose, and watched as my split just like it did when I fell. My eyes roll into my head once more. "YOU WERE WRONG."

I'm met with electric blue eyes looking straight into mine and hands on my shoulders, practically shaking me back to life. I was once again in the shitty bar bathroom except it was crowded full of people. "Holy hell, are you okay?" He said in a normal voice. I shivered. "What happened?" My voice was raspy. "Brian saw you go in and never come out, and a few seconds later and came to us freaking out. Were you having the trips?""The what?""The trips. Everyone gets them on their first few days here. I guess it's from whatever god there is showing us our shitty choices. Guess they want you reflect or something." He reached his hand down, offering to help me up. I took the offer, and he wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pushing concerned people out of the way. "Brian at the bar still freaking the hell out, he didn't want to come in in case you somehow died again or whatever. Seems weird for being the second person here, but I don't blame him. Want a drink?" "Of course." I looked at his face and realized I'm right next to my childhood idol. "Wait, are you Kurt Cobain? I fucking love your work.""Yeah, and thanks, glad to see someone who likes it." "No problem." I replied, shrieking on the inside because ohmyfuckinggod Kurt cobain and holding me up and talking to me. "Because of the trips you shouldn't be alone for, like, the next week. Now, shall we sit down with Brian? We have many questions about the future." He said in a joking fancy voice. I chuckled. "Gladly."

(Yes I know the ending was shitty, I really got nothing else. As well, for the MILLIONTH fucking time, I apologize for my lack of updates. I have a busy schedule and my head has been drifting a lot recently.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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