Chapter 26 Socks

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[for those of you that don't speak whatever language that is or don't know what the thing above says, it's the part where Harry asked Dumbledore what he saw when he looked in the mirror and Dumbledore responded "I see myself wearing a nice pair of Socks." I dunno what the rest of it says but eh.]

That night was rough. They had to leave early from dinner to go to the shrieking shack before the moon came out. "Alright here's the wolfsbane. Drink up so you don't murder us." Karkat joked. Kelsey winced and accepted the potion.

"Ugh I forgot how bad this tastes." She gagged. "Alrighty boys, let's try out this animagus stuff. Before the moon decides to pop out."

"Alright so we have to say the incantation today. For the last time." Kas told them shutting his book.

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus." They recited simultaneously. And, on the night of the full moon, the four twelve year olds became animagi.

Kaspien screeched from his position, his feathers spreading wide. He was a Peregrine. It fit him quite well actually. He quickly noted that he needed to learn how to fly or at least glide properly.

Karkat was also pleased with his animagus form. He was a fox, just as they had predicted, and a very proud one at that as he walked around, chest puffed out.

Jackson however was startled and ended up rearing back on his hind legs. And got his horn stuck in the ceiling. Yes our cinnamon roll Jackson was indeed a unicorn. A very pretty creature that radiated innocence, just like him.

Kelsey was a bit frightened for Jackson, since she had seen Voldemort drinking unicorn blood. She decided that she would tell him later. She looked at her paw and smiled inwardly. The boys had also noticed her animagus form and found it quite interesting.

She was a black, brown, and blonde German Shepard pup with golden irises. Karkat was honestly surprised she wasn't a wolf. But eh. They changed back in time to see that the sun was just about to set. Kelsey huffed and decided to shift back into animagus form.

Karkat scratched behind her ears making her tail wag a bit. "Can you guys believe that Jackson is a unicorn?" He snickered, making Jackson's face flush.

"I think it suits him. Plus unicorns can defend themselves quite well." Kas intervened, trying to make Jack feel better. "Plus he can now go run with unicorns and not get impaled like Kelsey almost did once." Kelsey barked in protest. "You know it's true Kels."

"Guys the moon is coming out." Jackson pointed to the window. Karkat jumped up and shifted into his fox form. Kaspien and Jackson followed his actions, preparing for their friend's monthly. They had never watched it before and didn't know what it entailed.

Kelsey whined in pain, the sound of cracking bones filling the air, howls of pain ringing out. Jackson had to look away, Karkat and Kas wincing at the sight and sound of their friend becoming a werewolf. Kelsey stood tiredly on her hind legs, watching her werewolf counterpart emerge and take over her body. It sniffed the air and howled.

That's when the pain began. Kelsey didn't know if it was the same for everyone, but her transformations led her to experience a great deal of pain. The werewolf would scratch at the walls for a bit before eventually trying to hurt itself. It would scratch at its skin, leaving scars all over her body. The boys hadn't seen how she got these before and she didn't want them to.

The werewolf was already starting to attack the walls, feeling trapped. Kas flew over and landed on her shoulder. Swiping and missing him, thankfully, Kelsey continued scratching the walls and door. Jackson nudged her, making her stumble back and growl. Karkat watched carefully, as if observing her actions.

The second part of the night began. Pain filled howls filled the shrieking shack as the werewolf tried to shake off the pain. Eventually she started scratching herself and hitting her head on the wall. Karkat swatted her mix between a hand and a paw away from her body and tried to stop her from repeating the process.

She snarled and swiped at him, being pushed away by Jackson before she could hit him. Kas would flap his wings in her face to stop her every once in awhile, but the process repeated. That morning, the four of them helped a limping Kelsey into the hospital wing, with Dumbledore of course, who had come to check up on them.

Healing all the wounds she could, Madam Pomfrey sent the four off to their dorms, to sleep a bit before breakfast. However, after they parted, they found they could not sleep. Every time they closed their eyes they pictured different things from the night before. Karkat saw her howl in pain and hurt herself repeatedly. Kas watched her scratch the walls and attack them, fear and sadness in her eyes. And Jackson could hear the bones cracking and breaking. He could see her howl in pain as she transformed.

Kelsey watched herself almost hurt her friends. Crying silently she tried to go to the dream orbs, shifting into her animagus form. She found that the mental wall in Harry's mind was still standing and reenforced it, building it stronger and bigger. Leaving his bubble, she went to Arthur's. Entering it she sniffed the air catching his scent. Running after the scent, she barked.

"Bloody hell!" Arthur shouted as the German Shepard jumped on him. Shifting again, Kelsey stood in her humanoid form next to him. "Oh it's you."

"You sound annoyed." Kelsey said making a chair show up. Arthur frowned and tried to make a chair pop up for him. Kelsey sighed. "Here." A comfy chair appeared, making Arthur glare at her before sitting down. He stared at her for a few moments

"Who are you?" He asked. "I can't rely on your physical form, since you can change your appearance."

"Well I can do that in real life too. Just not like I can in here." She replied. His frown deepened. "I'll tell you what, you will be given three hints. Then you can take a stab at who I am. Also here's a free bee. You know me." He tilted his head in confusion. "One, I have a problem with people who don't play fairly."

"That's too many people I know." Draco dismissed.

"I am not in Slytherin or Gryffindor." He nodded, motioning for her to go on. "And."

"And?" He motioned.

"I enjoy being around you, Your Majesty." Kelsey grinned, fading away slowly to see if he caught on.

"Your Majesty....wait." He looked at her confused. "Are you-?"

And she was gone. Arthur stared at the emptiness where the figure was before. "Kelsey?"

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