Chapter 39

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Kelsey laid by the lake looking up at the sky, confused. She didn't understand why she cared that Arthur was dating Celina. He was her friend and knew that Celina was considered an evil conniving muggle hater in her eyes. She sighed and looked at the clouds. "Niffler. Billywig. Snake. Arthur. Tree. Pig. Arthur. Wand. Blob. Arthur." She named the shapes. Realizing that this wasn't helping with whatever this was, she sat up and traced her fingers over the water.

She thought about Alick, who had decided that he would guard the shack, coming to Hogwarts for the Care of Magical creature lessons and when it got too cold. She chuckled inwardly at his newfound independence. Though it didn't help her mood any more.

"Well if it isn't the blood traitor. Where are your friends?" A voice spat, making friends sound like it was a curse. Kelsey sighed not looking to face Celina.

"Eating I think." Kelsey replied, looking at the deeper water. "Where are yours?"

"Right here." A familiar voice said. Kelsey flinched and watched ripples form on the water.

"Malfoy. So are any other friends present, VonTerra? Or is he the only one present?"

"He's the only one. Anyways, Hamilton, why don't we settle this like mature witches?" Celina smirked. Kelsey made a hmm noise and Celina frowned. "That would require you to face me."

"Okay." Kelsey sighed and faced the duo, standing tall. Her robes were slightly muddy and her hair was a dark blue with a grey strip, a bit of mud on her face from when she rolled over. Undoubtedly there was mud on her hair somewhere too. Celina smirked at her Stoney expression, knowing that she had finally wounded the girl. "Well? What is this 'mature' solution that you've thought up?"

"It's simple really." Celina said taking a few steps forward. Kelsey took a single step back, realizing that the girls perfume would kill her before anything else could. "You just have to take a swim." Kelsey's eyes widened. The only thing behind her was the lake. She couldn't swim, but she'd be fine in the shallow water. Celina drew her wand. Oh shiz. "FLIPENDO!"

The water was cold, as they were approaching Christmas in a month or so, making it quite unpleasant to swim in. Kelsey tried to stay up and managed to keep her head above water. Gripping her wand, she couldn't seem to think of a spell to help her. "HE-!" Something pulled her down by her legs. Looking down, she started to panic. Grindylows. A lot of them too. She swore in her head as she realized that she was in their nest.

Arthur watched next to the cackling blonde. A voice in his head was screaming at him loudly to go help her. But why? She is an enemy.

YOU IDIOT YOU'RE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A BLOODY LOVE POTION! SNAP OUT OF IT! SHE IS YOUR DILIGITUS! A swarm of memories invaded his mind. Memories of laughter and also the fun pain of getting his wings. He blinked three times and shook his head.

"Oh Merlin." He whispered and knocked out Celina. Wings erupted from his back as he flew lowly above the water. Wings beginning to give out, he dove in and placed a charm on himself so he could breathe underwater. He saw a few bubbles and decided to go after their source. Swimming as fast as he could, he saw a strand of black hair. Grindylows began to swarm him and pull him down. Kelsey was struggling slightly and had no air bubble thing around her mouth. She was zapping the little things around her, paying no mind. She inhaled water and began the drowning process. Arthur panicked. Putting the air bubble on her wouldn't work, since they weren't close to the surface.

"ALARTE ASCENDARE!" He shouted pointing his wand at the currently drowning girl. She shot upward, giving him the chance to escape the grindylows. Grabbing her by the waist, he swam towards a barely used pier. Coughing up a lot of water, she still doesn't face him. "Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded slightly.

"Thank you." Her hair was still a dark blue, making Arthur aware that she was sad. He pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I was the idiot who got the love potion slipped to him again." He chuckled humorlessly. Kelsey's shoulders began to shake softly. It took him a moment, but then he realized she was crying. "I'm sorry."

The two were found like that, hours later around dinner time, both of them crying and hugging each other. Professor Snape had been the ones to find them, sighing in relief when he saw them. Arthur hadn't put his wings away, and was using them as a form of warmth for the two. Snape sighed and put a hand on Arthur's shoulder. Arthur looked up at his Godfather, eyes red and face tear streaked. Motioning with his head, Arthur picked up Kelsey, and carried the still crying girl with him as they went back to the castle. His wings were hidden in his back again, as they walked into the potions classroom. Snape waved his wand and made their clothing dry. Kelsey had fallen asleep during the walking and Arthur refused to let her go, despite Professor Snape's protests.

"Want to tell me why you two were missing for four hours? Had Mr. Vintrapose not alerted me of the situation, you two would have been in much more trouble." He asked sternly.

"Did he tell you why we were out there in the first place?" He asked not looking at his God father.

"Miss VonTerra had you under a love potion and you went out there with her. Miss Hamilton was out there as well, I assume?" Arthur nodded.

"Celina used a knock back jinx to make her go into the black lake. Kelsey got stuck in a grindylow nest." He said, Snape nodding. "She can't swim. And she was pulled down too fast to use any charms to help her breathe underwater."

"And you decided to go after her?" Snape asked, an astounded look appearing on his face.

"She's my diligitus. Of course I went after her." Arthur huffed. "And now I'm going to talk to Professor Dumbledore and leave her here so that you can make sure that nothing happens to her."

"No need. I'm already here." A cheerful voice said from the door. Arthur turned his head to see professor Dumbledore smiling at him. "What was it you wanted to discuss, Mister Malfoy?"

"I'd prefer we discuss it in private." He responded coldly. Kelsey was placed on the arm chair lightly and Snape was given a look as Arthur left to go talk to Dumbledore. Dumbledore's office was warmer than the dungeons, as well as significantly brighter.

"Well Mister Malfoy? What is it you were so intent on discussing in privacy?" The headmaster asked smiling politely.

"I'd like to have a separate room." Arthur said, in a very straightforward manner. "Not now, but in my third or fourth year."

"And why is that?"

"Because if I don't get rejected, Kelsey and I will need to be closer. Mom mentioned sleep deprivation and unbearable headaches." He replied. Dumbledore nodded.

"It is normal for things like this to happen in young avian bonds. But after they complete the first phase of mating." Dumbledore said. "So you aren't planning on kissing Miss Hamilton this year?"

"No. After all, we did just meet." The older man smiled.

"Where would you like the room to be?"

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