Two Captains

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Dakota's POV

I swam to the surface of the water and see the rest of the crew on land. Dad was write about water and I was right about the ship being destroyed. Dad looked out to the water and spotted me as I waved. Suddenly a ship with black sails rolled over a sand dune and into the water. I swam to it as someone in a dingy rowed over to the shore.

When I reach the ship I see a rope and start to pull myself up until I reached the ladder. I then sat on the railing and dried myself. I realized I was on the Pearl and smile. So the person in the dingy must have been Jack. Soon the crew, dad and Jack joined me on the Pearl.

"Not that wasn't fun father, but I think I speak for everyone here. When I say no more trips to the locker" I say with a smirk. "Hello Jack you look fine for a dead man" I state shrugging.

"Nice to see you too luv" he says with a smile and I roll my eyes. Dad gives me the navigational charts and tells me to guard them with my life. I agree as monkey Jack jumps onto my shoulder.

"Trim that sail" Dad orders.

"Trim that sail" Jack copies.

"Slash wind wood break" Dad orders.

"Slash wind wood break" Jack copies.

"Hold that bennet line" Dad orders looking annoyed at Jack.

"Hold that bennet line" Jack copies as both he and dad stop walking.

"What are you doing?" Dad demands.

"What are you doing?" Jack asks stressing the 'you'.

"No, what are you doing?" Dad asks stressing the 'are'. This continued an other two times before Jack said captain gives order on the ship. "The captain of this ship is giving orders" dad states.

"My ship, makes me captain" Jack states.

"They be my father's charts" I state joining the conversation waving the charts.

"That makes him 'Chart man'" Jack tells us.

"Stop it the three of you, that's an order understood!" Pintel shouts and we look at him like he's lost his mind. "Sorry, I just thought with the captain issue in doubt. I'd throw my name in for consideration" he states. Dad and Jack go up the stairs to the helm shoving each other.

"I'd vote for you" Ragetti tells Pintel.

"You two get back to work immediately" I tell them. The do as their told and as I sigh looking at Dad who was looking out of his telescope with Jack walking away. I place the chart back on the table and head to find Elizabeth or Will.

(Later that night)

Jack and Dad are in the captain's cabin Gibbs & I were going there to get a heading. I was praying that they had stopped fighting or reached an agreement. "Heading captain" Gibbs states when we enter the room.

"Two degrees starboard" Jack states.

"I'm the captain of the starboard side" Dad reminds Jack. "Two degrees starboard" he tells Gibbs. "The captain will now take the helm" he states. He and Jack run out of the room shoving each other.

"Aye captains" Gibbs states as we follow them. When we reach the helm Jack and Dad were fighting over the wheel while Cotton stood back.

"Ok that's enough!" I order when dad gets hit. "You two are done for the night, go to bed" I tell them sternly. "Now!" I shout when they didn't move and they run below deck as I sigh rubbing my temples. "Gibbs your in charge, I need a break" I tell him and climb up into the crows nest.

I had been dealing with their arguments all day and it has given me a headache. I made them agree to choose one side of the ship to be in charge of. But they are still fighting. As it starts to get cold I go below deck to mine and Elizabeth's cabin before falling asleep.


Video above of Jack and Barbossa fighting over the wheel.

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