Chapter 1: Introductions

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My name is Kara Marie Conley. I am currently twenty years old, I have medium length black hair with red tips, baby blue eyes, and I'm very pale complected. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. A big town to me, but it's just Ohio, so it's small to everyone else. My life has been full of twist and turns, and so far, it just keeps getting worse. My mom left my dad and I when I was only ten, and that was when my dad flew off the handle. He became a horrible alcoholic and now he drinks every day. He's not home much because he's usually either at the bar or hooking up with some random chick. When he is home, he just likes to take all of his anger out on me. He's been really abusive since mom left and especially worse this year.

There aren't many people I talk to. The people at my school don't really dress the way I do, or like the things I like. I've never been very social while growing up, but at least I have Maya. Maya Reed is my best friend, and I can share anything and everything with her. We've been best friends since kindergarten. We have so many things in common that it's pretty scary sometimes. Neither of us like our fathers, her mom died in a car accident two years ago, and we share the same birthday. Since that first day of school, we've been inseparable. We enjoy the same music, and hobbies. Our top favorite bands are Falling In Reverse, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Asking Alexandria and our all time favorite, Black Veil Brides. We love going to concerts and after-parties, but with my father always interfering, it's hard for us to go to most of them.

Maya and I always try to do things to keep me out of my house for a while during the day. My dad always flips out if I'm not home by a certain time- which is whenever he feels like the time being that night. He always thinks I'm out fucking random guys, which I'm not. I'm still a virgin, actually. He just hates me being stuck with him, but I've never done anything towards him to make him resent me. I keep to myself a lot more lately, so Maya has been trying to take me out to parties to get me unwinded and get me to open up. It's been a lot of fun. More than I thought it'd be, for sure. I plan on leaving soon because I just can't live here anymore. I'm tired of always having to look over my shoulder, of always being afraid in my own house. I know it'll be better soon, so I'm trying to stay calm about this situation.

On another note, our birthday is coming up in a few days and we're going to see BVB play live. I've wanted to see them play for the last three years, but have never had the money or the chance to. Maya had paid for our tickets with her extra money that she's had saved up. I am super excited. I'm not one of those "fangirls" that will freak out if one of them looks at me, but I do appreciate their music and the message they convey. They have a very unique and great sound. There are five members in the band and let me say one thing... They are all hot as fuck. Anyway, their names are:

Andy Biersack: Lead vocalist.

Ashley Purdy: Bassist, background vocals.

Jake Pitts: Lead Guitarist.

Jeremy Ferguson (Jinxx): Guitarist, violinist.

Christian Coma (CC): Drums.

I cannot wait until the concert. I just hope I can get out of this house first.

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