Chapter 8: The Last Show

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August 10th, 3pm

Time flies when you're on tour. So far, Warped Tour has been amazing. I'm still not sure how to adjust with always being on the road, but it's getting easier.

Today is the last stop for the tour. I'm pretty bummed that it's over, but I've had so much fun. Andy and the guys don't get too upset because they love touring, they adore the fans and they absolutely love putting on a good show. They play next, after Memphis May Fire. They set up their equipment and take their places backstage.

"Babe, wanna sing with us today?" Andy questions.

"No. I couldn't do that. It's your show."

"Please? I really want to show the fans what you've got."

"Aww. It's just too nerve wracking. Plus, I look like shit. I couldn't perform like this." I reply jokingly.

"You're beautiful. Just follow my cue."

The Overture begins playing and one by one, they enter. I stand off to the side, nervously awaiting Andy's call for me. I admire their majestic movements. They do have a way with the crowd that I can't possibly explain. They start to play Rebel Love Song and after the first verse, Andy motions me his way. I just shake my head. I know that I can't ruin their last show, yet he walks over to me -still singing- and pulls me by the hand. I stare blankly out into the crowd, as he hands me the mic. He sings along but I'm hesitant to join. The lyrics flood my mind and I begin to belt them out. I try to keep my nerves down and andy just hold my waist, singing with me.

The song ends and tears flood my eyes. I feel so heartbroken for the guys. I step aside and hand Andy the mic back.

"Kara, wait. I have one more thing for you." He moves closer to me, a huge smile plastered on his face. "You've made this summer so wonderful, Kara. The past 9 months with you have changed everything. I thought I knew about love, until I met you. I love you. More than you realize. I know things may be rough sometimes. They always are, but I will never leave you. You're everything I've ever dreamed of. You're so fucking beautiful. You're smart, funny, talented, and you treat me so much better than I deserve." He gets down on one knee and pulls a small black velvet box from his pants pocket. "Kara Marie Conley, will you please do me the honors and be my amazing wife?"

I stand mesmerized. My face in my hands and my eyes watching him intently. Can this be real?

"Ye.. Yes. Of course!" I hug him tightly and he twirls me around. I sob into his chest.

The crowd screams and applauds.

"A few more songs for the road? What do you guys think?" He hold the mic towards the audience. "Alright. This ones for you!"

The okay the rest of their set while I join Maya backstage, still in shock of what's just happened.

"Did you know?" I ask her.

"No. I don't think anyone did. Ash would've spilled to me if Andy would've told him."

"Wow. I can't believe this."

"It's great, Kara. You're finally happy." She hugs me.

"You are too. Which is great. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have come. None of this would've happened. Thank you." I sniffle.

"I'm glad we came."

"Me too. Let's go find some ice cream." I say and pull her off side stage.

We visit different booths, checking out the merch and the people. We get to the Bring Me The Horizon tent and I see a really nice tank top that I know I'd look hot in. It's grey with the gold Sempiternal logo in the middle, surrounded by the band's name. I REALLY need cash. It's only $20. I wonder if Andy will let me shop around. I haven't bought anything all summer. I walk back to the stage to find Andy, but don't see him.

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