Chapter 6 The library

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Draco's P.O.V

It's late at night and I omly have an hour to revise for the potions exam. I suck at revising. Right now I'm sitting in the library. I hear a muffle but I thought I was alone. I grab my wand and prop it in front of me.

"It's ok it's just me." A girl says. Now I can see her face clearly.


"Yeah I was just trying to revise for the potions test. To be honest having Snape as thw teacher doesn't help. I literally fall asleep in his class."She says. Surprisingly I agree.

"Thats true. Can you help me revise?" I ask.

"Sure." I disnt expect her to say yes but I don't care who she is I really need help.

About an hour goes by and it's five minutes to care few. We walk to the common room and I sit in front of the fire. She starts qalking up the stares when Blaise comes down and makes fun of her.

"Hey sweet I wouldnt be surprised if Crabbe will eat you." He chuckles.

Before I could say anything she looks him in the eye, little did I know about her but I never new about how she would react.

"Hey watch your tongue or your little blaise of light will die down." She replied. She looked at me strangely and I think I had my mouth hanging down. She turned back to Blaise and before his hand could touch her face she puched his cheek. After she just left to her dorm.

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