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Pheonix finished the entire selection of starter guides. Looking a the dungeon system, only an hour has passed. Pheonix whistled at the thought. 'I guess it is time for me to head for the forest.' Pheonix thought to himself, getting off the dungeon wall. He walked outside.

The dungeon from the outside looked like it was a hobbit hole, a door on the side of a small mound in the middle of a clearing. Looking around for a bit, Pheonix started picking berries to give to the dungeon in exchange for points. When he had a handful, he came back to the dungeon and placed it on the ground. He used the function [Absorb] on the small pile. He got an alert: [berries 10/100]. Pheonix groaned because the message meant that he had to collect 100 fruit to get one point. If he wanted to summon a goblin, he would have to collect 1000 as the goblin, being the cheapest monster. 'But if I summon the Goblin at Lvl -10, I can buy it for four points.' Pheonix recalled the book, summoning monsters volume 1, and remembered the passage.

"Every monster has the capability to level up. Leveling up to level 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 each unlocks new innate skills. When summoning monsters, you can spend extra points to get the monsters to be summoned at the desired level. Alternatively, you can summon monsters at negative levels for a lower price. There is a limit to how low you can go as the body could so weak that it would not be able to support life or sustain motion."

Phill hurried out of the cave to continue his collecting adventures. About three hours later, the system told him it was seven pm; he had finally collected 400 berries. Pheonix absorbed them and summoned the goblin. It was very weak looking and was skinny. It was a sickly green unlike the dark grass green goblins should be. Eying the goblin up and down, Phill sighed and told it to collect berries.

"Gruh.(Ok, Master)" The Goblin pathetically grunted, and the system auto translated the grunt.

The goblin did a weak salute and teetered out of the cave. Pheonix rubbed his tired eyes and lay down. Sitting on the hard ground, Phill drifted off to sleep.

It was still dark out when Pheonix arose. He saw a pile of berries on the side; it looked like about 2000 or more. Anyway, the number was ridiculous. Looking around, he could not find the goblin inside our around the outside of the dungeon. Slightly concerned, He checked [unit management].

{Lime Goblin. level -3 Asleep}

'Looks like he leveled up a few times.' Pheonix smiled brightly knowing that the goblin was ok. Even if he had very little attachment to the goblin, he spent his points on it. He absorbed all the berries. Points 23. Pheonix looked at the small fortune, then set the allowance of [G25] to 5%.

Walking outside, Phonix saw that all the bushes were completely bare. Getting another idea, he went back to the dungeon and summoned a level 0 goblin. "Come help me uproot this bush" Phonix ordered the goblin, and it started to follow him. Pheonix came to the closest berry bush, it was picked bare, and started to dig at the stem with his hands. The goblin mimicked his actions on the other side of the bush. After about five minutes of digging, the main root was dug out. Pheonix and the goblin started to pull out the bush. The plant came flying up accompanied by clods of dirt and dangling roots. Giving the goblin the plant, he walked towards the cave. Inside, he used [Absorb] on the plant. Points 15. He spent 10 points on the goblin helper but got two points from the bush. "Good, Good." Phonix patted the goblin on the back. The two continued their work for another hour and gained 12 more points.

Pheonix rubbed his sore hands and checked the shop. 'Wood tools 4 points' 'Stone tools 8' 'copper tools 16' 'Iron tools 32'... The list mentioned before went on, but Pheonix did not want to set his sights so high and discourage himself. He bought a copper shovel. Walking outside by himself, he managed to dig the bush in 2 minutes. Draging it back, Pheonix handed the goblin the shovel.

"Dig up bushes in a quarter mile radius. You can rest after sundown and take two breaks sometime before that. Just pile them up in that corner over there." Learning from the Lime Goblin, Pheonix gave specific instructions. He then afterward dove into books. Usually, the books that are from the real world cost 2 points a book, so Phill stuck with the free guides. Reading A book on magic, He learned some important details:

"Mana comes from the earth, which naturally provides it. All living things absorb small traces of mana to support their life force. But, the soul has a limit to the mana it can handle at one time, making it impossible to cast rank 2 and up spells without practice. The way to increase the capacity of the soul, you must channel mana through your soul and out of your body like a stream letting the water slowly erode the banks to make the stream into a river."

And secondly, Pheonix learned something that reduces his excitement of his power.

"Each level of magic is proven to be a different language. Rank one is the shape written out and is short when spoken. Rank two is vocally slightly longer, and it is in the form of a rune. Rank 3 is layers of runes but takes the same amount of time to speak as two, although much more complex. Rank 4 is a three-dimensional object is the length of a paragraph. Rank 5 is multiple three-dimensional shapes stacked on one another, in constant motion. Rank 6 is completely invisible at points, others, an odd behaving shape."

Pheonix shook his head sadly because before he can use the language, he has to get a reference. meaning he needed to find a spell of the rank he wanted to use first.

After reading for a little while longer, he started to channel mana through his body. The feeling was wonderful, like being cleaned by warm water. After a little while of enjoying the flow, his meditation was interrupted.

An Intruder.


Sorry for the short chapters, that's just how I write. I will update 2 or more chapters a week.

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