Chains and Whips Chapter 3

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I pushed open the glass door to the office, and waved at the secretary Ms. Harvey. She was a mistress and often came to my parents clubs, favoring the ones specified for women. From what I heard she was pretty good at what she did.

"Really Rylie? You couldn't wait one day? It's your junior year ma'am, don't you think you should try to behave yourself?" She asked, giving me a motherly look.

"Oh, but I so enjoy being naughty," I said with a wink as I moved past her to the office, catching her shaking her head in disapproval.

I raised my hand to knock on the principals door, but before I could make contact my wrist was grabbed tightly. I was pulled around by my wrist and pinned against a wall. I looked up and met a smirking face, Damon.

"As much as I loved watching your cute little ass walk away from me, if you do it again I'll have to punish you," he growled sexily in my ear.

"As much as I love smelling your morning breath, if you don't get off me I'll have to hurt you," I retorted, though to be honest his breath smelt like fresh peppermint.

"Ah ah ah, be nice little kitten. If not then Ill just have to show you right here and right now how exactly you should behave."

I opened my mouth to say something back, but I ended up whimpering as he bit my earlobe. Ok so I think biting is the hottest shit ever, judge me! I heard him growl excitedly as he heard me, and I had to bite my lip to stay quiet as he nipped at my neck.

"S-stop!" I whisper yelled, remembering we were right outside of the principals office, but happily out of sight to Mrs. Harvey.

"Oh but why would I do that? You seem to be enjoying this, do you like it when I bite you kitten?" He put his mouth right by my ear, his warm breath fanning over it as he whispered, "Maybe you just want me to bite somewhere else?"

I felt my face flush as I shoved him off me, turning my back to him so he wouldn't see my reddening face. I could hear him chuckling, but ignored it as I stomped out of the office, no longer caring about what my Spanish teacher had said to do.

I walked down the hall, and I saw the dent in the locker and wall from my freshman year. God that brought back memories.

"Fag," the word rung over and over again in my ears. I couldn't hear anything else, I couldn't even feel my own body. Before I knew it, I had stepped forward and punched him so hard right on his jaw, he dropped to the ground.

I didn't register the words leaving my mouth as I spoke, my voice sounding darker than I'd ever heard it.

"Don't you dare call him that again. I swear if you EVER cross him, I'll know, and you'll get a shit ton worse than a punch in the face. Do I make myself clear or do you need me to clarify?" I barked, delivering a quick kick straight into his stomach to emphasize my point.

"N-no ma'am," he coughed out quietly.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I asked sarcastically as I landed another blow to his stomach.

"No! Y-you don't need to clarify, m-ma'am."

"That's what I thought. Oh and that promise doesn't just go for Tex, if I ever hear of you bullying anyone, I will make sure you regret it."

I turned and looked at the circle of people that had gathered, glaring at them. "Don't you all have classes to get to?!"

I could feel the anger still running through me, I needed to hit something before I hit someone. People had started scattering after I yelled at them, and I noticed there was a set of lockers near me.

I stiffly stepped over to them, bringing my foot back and repeatedly slamming it into the bottom locker, my foot stung but it hardly registered as I spun around and slammed my fist into the wall, creating a large hole.

"That felt good..." I mumbled to myself, leaning up against the now more than slightly dented locker.

"Thanks for that, you didn't have to take it out on the school though, it would of been funnier if you had beat him mercilessly," a tiny Tex said, hardly audibly against the noise filling the hall.

"Yea but that would get me in even more trouble, come on Tex-Mix, were done for the day, let's go grab my brother to give us a ride back to mine."

He nodded and we went off in search of my brother, who was a senior at the time. He drove us home, and we spent the rest of the day snacking on junk and watching TV.

Nobody would even dare to say I started that fight, and they all acted like they had no clue where the damage to the property came from. That all happened my freshman year, they hadn't bothered fixing the damage since they insisted on whomever caused it would be caught and forced to do so. Ha, more like they just didn't want to deal with it.

I walked around for a few more minutes, then the bell rang signaling the end of first block. I sighed, this was going to be a long day.

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