Chains and Whips Chapter 11

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AN: As suggested by TengokuNoHimeChan, this chapter will have Damon's POV, thank you for expressing your concerns and asking for this to be in his POV. Sorry for the crazy long wait I was suffering extreme writers block. But hey, it's a sick day for me and I felt like writing. Also I just realized Ive never fully described her, so the pic is of Rylies face. The song is the one she sings. Thanks for reading ^.^)

Damon's POV

I hated to admit it, but the firey little girl who bumped into me on the first day of school had branded herself into my mind. She was so different from all the other girls I knew. Not a Mistress, but also not really submissive, she interested me in a way no girl had managed to do before.

Most girls drop to their knees when I confront them, but not her. She stood her ground and even threatened me! At first I was just extremely pissed, but then I had decided to screw with her for the fun of it. I could tell without a doubt she was attracted to me, but I could also tell she was fighting her feelings in every way possible.

I never guessed she would have a panic attack though, that was definitely unexpected. Usually if that happened it wouldn't care too much, but with her? It felt like someone just shot my puppy - or rather my kitten - right in front of me. I instantly had wanted nothing more than to protect her.

I went to the clubs every night, hoping she was there. When she finally turned up and I saw that dicksack hitting in her, I was surprised I didn't punch him straight in his good-for-nothing mouth. That doesn't come close to the surprise I had when I felt her actually kiss me back.

After that she bolted on me, and even though I've seen her at school and tried to take, she's totally blown me off every time. Usually I wouldn't be so effected by this, I've always thought of girls as nothing but toys for my pleasure, but with her it's different. She's special. I just hope she'll let me show her how special she is.

Rylie's POV

I walked down the school hallway in grey skinnies, a red loose-fit crop top with a pair of hand cuffs on it, and black high top converse. My sunglasses were on my head and my headphones were blaring. Tex wasn't feeling good today, so I was stuck by myself.

I grinned as one of my more liked songs came on, nodding my head to the beat I sang along to the chorus.

"Serial killers are people too, if you take away the voices I'm just like you! I'll hack you up and burry you in my yard. Oh, why does making friends have to be so very h-"

I was cut off as my headphones were yanked out of my ears. I glared at the culprit, my bitch of a sister.

"What the fuck do you want? Come to tell me to get over myself? Just because you love to get fucked by people who will never give a damn about you doesn't mean I do. I hope that you find some sick, old, sadistic fucker to treat you how you deserve. The fact that we're even related makes me want to vomit!"

By this point people were staring. They probably were earlier as well, considering I was singing Be My Friend so loudly. I didn't care though. People can stare, judge, or whatever else their petty hearts desire. Amber deserved to get yelled at. Hell, she deserved to get the shit beat out of her.

"Rylie... I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Those things I said, I didn't mean them! I promise! I know it wasn't some little thing. I can't say I know what you feel like, because I've never gone through it. I'm sorry, little sister. I really am an awful person sometimes I know. I mean to say those things after you were raped was just-"

She froze. I froze. The world froze. She said it, loud and clear. My biggest secret. My own sister just outed my biggest secret in front of a good half of the school.

I raised my right hand and pulled it back. I stared her dead in the eye as her mouth opened and closed repeatedly, like she was trying to think of something to say that could fix what she just did. Nothing could fix it though, once you say something it's said, and she just said my worst nightmare.

Still, I couldn't bring myself to hit her. I wanted to, god, I wanted to. Yet at the same time, I couldn't even bring myself to be mad. My entire mind was shutting down, more and more every second. So I did the only thing I could do.

I ran.

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