3 ~ Losers

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     "We should all get together later and go out to lunch," Jenna proposed. Saturday mornings were always things to be worshipped, but some people like Jenna decide to waste them by waking up early. And then, there are some evil people (like Jenna) who take it upon themselves to wake up every one of their friends through a series of spam messages and skype calls.
"You say it as if I have enough energy to even get out of bed," Allie moaned. According to Skype, the call had started at 7:32 AM. "I went to sleep at three in thee morning and then you wake me up at seven expecting me to go out to lunch with you later. I got four hours of sleep! Four!"
"Well, if you went to sleep at the same time as normal people like me, then maybe you wouldn't be so tired," Jenna retorted. But this brought on an end laughs of laughter from the girls.
"Jenna, you aren't normal. We aren't normal," Sarah chuckled, "But yeah, where do you wanna go for food?"
"I was thinking about this really good hibachi place a few towns over, I'll send the address to the chat," she said, sending the address. "It's a bit on the expensive side, but hey, my parents can pay for it. So you all go ask your moms and dads if you can make it."
There was a lot of rustling noise as the girls moved around their homes. Jenna wiped the sleepies out of her eyes as she waited anxiously for her friends to return. A loud squawk scared her as she turned around to see her bird, Arin, biting the cage.
"Arin, shhh," she hushed, reaching her finger into the cage to pet her feathered friend. However, this backfired as Arin dug her sharp beak into Jenna's finger. "Bad bird!" Jenna yelled, earning her another loud squawk.
Jenna was quickly distracted from her bird as she heard, "Anyone still here?" Jenna launched towards her bed, but tripped, landing in a large crash. "Shït, what did you do?" Penny yelled into her microphone.
Jenna pulled herself up slowly, rubbing her head. "I tripped, now stop being a mom friend."
Penny laughed. "I don't think you understand the definition of 'mom friend'. You, Jenna, are a mom friend because you are the only mature one in the midst of many children."
"Ok, you sass nugget, go eat a banana chip."
The two girls burst out laughing, neither one understanding what Jenna had just said. And they were still laughing as Jade, Patty, Allie, Sarah, Rachel, Dana, Caroline, Izzy, Max, and Kat returned.
"I'm sorry, I said something funny, and well–" Jenna tried to explain. "So who can come?" Yes came from Jade, Allie, Patty, Penny, Dana, Max, and Kat. The others gave sad no's and some very long sighs, too.
"Well, see you all later, losers!" Penny yelled, then hung up the call for everyone like the little bïtch she is.

Authors note

Ok, so I wrote this book for my friends and some of them are here on Wattpad. I have added a few details to their fictional selves that make them slightly more interesting (example: Jenna's parents {both of them} are very rich. Like Donald Trump kind of rich)

So here's a small list of the real girl's profiles.

My favorite leading lady, Jenna: @softboiii

My favorite loser, Penny: @Penelopepotter1

Little miz broken audio, Patty: @LotusFlame154

New neighbor, Izzy: @Cerise444999

The Septiplier shipper, Allie: @fandom_story

Oh and Kat is me!

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