13 ~ Emo

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"I'm having a slumber party tomorrow, I expect everyone to be there," Penny said. "So if you could all go ask your parents, that would be great."

Rachel and Sarah were the first ones to come back. "I can't, camp starts tomorrow," they said in unison. "Wait, what?" they also said at the same time. A quick laugh went around but was stopped quickly as the rest of the girls (and boy) filed in.

In the end, Izzy was the only other person who couldn't make it.


"So we have to start this off right," Penny announced as the clock ticked twelve, "We're gonna start the night with spin the bottle!"

Apparently, Penny's dad had also invited Ethan, who invited Patrick, who invited Kaede, who invited Luke, who invited Austin, who invited Lucas.

So that made things uncomfortable.

"Who wants to spin first?" Penny asked, with a hush to her voice because, well, it was midnight. When no one volunteered, Penny silently got up and spun around with an arm out, eyes shut. And when she stopped, she landed on Max.

"I volunteer Max as tribute," Penny quietly shouted.

"What?! That's not fair," Max complained. But he still took the bottle and spun it, watching as it didn't land on his beloved Allie. Nope! Instead, it landed on Austin.

As they kissed and almost instantly pulled away, spitting and coughing, while everyone else was laughing, Kat was secretly taking pictures with her phone. Blackmail purposes, she thought.

Next up was Patrick, who was sitting to the right of Max. Now this made four girls stiffen up. One, Penny, because she used to like him back in fifth and sixth grade. Two, Jade, because she had just recently gotten over her crush on him. Three, Caroline because she still has a little crush on him, and often touches his face and tells him to moisturize. And four, Jenna because Patrick is her boy crush.

So when the bottle landed on Jade, everyone freaked out. Jade's face was bright red as she tried to fix her short black hair, cursing herself for not putting on lip balm before coming to the party. However, other than Caroline and Jenna, no one really understood why Patrick was attractive. Sure, he had a cute(ish) face but seriously, this guy has a freaking bowl cut.

But just before their lips touched, the bottle exploded. Apparently, no one had been smart enough to empty the bottle filled with a carbonated drink. So by the time the bottle was done spewing, Patrick and Jade were drenched in root beer.


"Kat, shut up!" Penny yelled quietly. Or whispered harshly, however you want to put it. "Jade, Patrick, the towels are in the closet upstairs."

The next person to spin was Lucas. His bottle landed on Caroline. "Wait, you shouldn't kiss me, I'm emo," Caroline stated proudly.

"Please, I don't care if you're emo," Lucas said.

"DON'T CALL ME EMO!" Caroline wailed.

"But you just called yourself—"


"I—" Lucas stopped himself, and then sighed. "C'mere, let's get this over with."

"Alright, but you might catch some of my emo..."

Penny flailed her arms as if to say "WHAT?" while Jenna just shook her head. At this point, she had just given up.


The bottle spun around many times, in the end giving both to kisses between Kaede and Chloe, Kaede and Penny, Kaede and Luke, Luke and Caroline, Austin and Allie (wait that's a TV show...wut?), Kat and Patrick, Ethan and Jenna, Ethan and Kat, and Patty and Dana.

The last spin was Penny's. And let's just say, Kat died of fangirling.

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