5 ~ Banana Chip

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The interior of the restaurant was incredible, though apparently unlike the bathrooms. There was an indoor wishing well, and if that doesn't say something about the décor, well, what does?

The friends were seated quickly at a hibachi table, and very quickly, madness broke out. Patty started stabbing Allie with her chopsticks and Allie was deflecting her blows with the menu, so by the time the waitress came around to ask for their orders, they had created quite the scene.

"Umm, excuse me, but I need to take your orders," the waitress said nervously. She was obviously new based on the fact that she wasn't telling the girls to stop. Jenna had to get up and snatch Patty's chopsticks away before they could actually order because they were making a large amount of noise. Especially since Patty has a very prominent knack for yelling.

So after that problem was resolved, the girls gave their orders. But quickly after the waitress left, another fight started.

"Fairy Tail is stupid. All it is is a pink haired guy picking fights with girls with big boobs," Allie said.

Jade pretty much blew up as Kat, Dana, and Patty tried to stay calm. "Fairy Tail is way more than Natsu picking fights! The characters are original, the storyline is awesome, and the fights are epic! There is no going wrong!"

At this time, the chef came out of the kitchen to start cooking. In case you've never been to a hibachi restaurant, they basically cook in front of you while performing entertaining tricks with food, knives, and fire. So as the chef began cooking and doing his tricks, Allie shouted, "I hope you and Fairy Tail burn!"

And at that, the chef lit a fire for entertainment purposes. But Jade was in a position in which she was very close to the fire. Very close. Hence why her sleet caught fire.

So all hell broke loose. Patty was laughing hysterically, Kat was fussing about Allie having supernatural fire powers, Dana and Penny were asking if Jade was ok while fire crept up her arm, Max was defending Allie, and Jenna was yelling, "Stupid chef guy, stop being a banana chip and get the extinguisher!"

So by the time Jade had been put out, everyone was screaming. "Are you ok?" Dana asked for the thousandth time. Jade nodded. she was lucky that she had worn froofy, long sleeves, so the fire never actually touched her skin.

"Allie, I swear, next time we pick up this conversation, I'm going to bring a fire extinguisher."

"Well Fairy Tail still sucks."

And so the argument continued, but this time, Jade tightly clutched the extinguisher.


As the food was being loaded onto their plates and Kat was freaking out because "There's shrimp on my plate, get it off!" the argument came to a close. Jade won, proving that Fairy Tail is an amazing anime.

"How do you use chopsticks?" Patty asked, which was ironic seeing how she was using them as murder weapons earlier.

As Dana and Kat attacked (on titan) Patty about not being a true weeb if she couldn't use chopsticks, Jenna and Penny sat in silence.

"So, uh, how's your food?" Penny asked.

"I got the same thing as you, dummy, there's no need to ask me how mine is when its the exact same thing as yours," Jenna replied sarcastically, and then added in, "You banana chip."

"I'm just trying to start up a conversation," Penny wailed, and then followed suit by adding in, "Loser."

"We should sue this place for lighting Jade on fire," Jenna joked.

"Nah, that fire was totally lit."


Authors Note!!

Jade has joined Wattpad at last! @sparkle_like_Natsu

I'm really sorry if I've offended any of you by saying Fairy Tail sucks, but please just know that I'm a huge FT fan and did not mean to insult any of you!!!

And also, please know that hibachi restaurants are usually very, very careful to be safe with their fires and please do not think that things like this happen in real life, because they don't.

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