Chapter 4- Her Phoenix

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The school bell rang, signaling it was time for lunch. Sunset Shimmer grabbed her backpack, slung it over one shoulder, and headed for the cafeteria. Once she got to the table, she slide her backpack off her shoulder and threw it underneath her table. She had just sat in her seat, when Fluttershy came and sat down in front of her.

"What's up Fluttershy?" Sunset asked as Flutter sat down.

"Oh nothing much. How about you?" Fluttershy questioned, giving Sunset a small smile.

"I'm fine. How is the animal club going?" Sunset asked Fluttershy, hoping to keep up a conversation. She wasn't super close with Fluttershy, so it was quite often that conversations between the two died off quickly. 

Fluttershy's eyes lit up at the mention of her club. "Oh it going just great. We raised a lot of funds at the fundraising, so me and the rest of the club are going to be able to get little treats for animals at the local shelter down the street. We are even making them cute little blankets.Oooooo they are going to love them so much!" Fluttershy looked down in embarrassment when she started to ramble.

"Hey that's great. I'll be sure to drop by the shelter soon." Sunset replied, making Fluttershy smile a little bit wider.

"Oh that would be lovely. I'm headed over there tomorrow. Would you like to come along?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course! I can be there by 4. Sounds good?" Sunset replied. 

"Yes! You're just going to love all of the animals! They are all super cute!"

Sunset and Fluttershy carried out their conversation for a few more minutes until the rest of the girls arrived. Everyone started to dig into their lunch. They talked, joked around, and laughed, until Twilight made a proposal.

"We should plan something this week. Like a day for all of us to meet up," Twilight suggested.

"Oooohh that would be lovely. When can we meet up?" Rarity asked excitedly.

"How about today after school?" Twilight asked all the girls.

"I have to give a guitar lesson. So maybe not today," Sunset interjected.

"Yeah and I have to go and get my phone fixed today too," Pinkie added.

" How about tomorrow then?" Rarity proposed.

"Sunset and I are going to visit the animal shelter," Fluttershy alerted the rest of the girls.

"Geez Sunset you are always busy, " Rainbow said teasingly.

"Hey! I'm not always busy. How about Wednesday? Are you all free then?" Sunset asked.

When all the girls agreed, Applejack spoke up. "We can do it at the farm. So y'all can bring y'all pets and let em play for a bit."

The girls nodded their heads and look at each other. "It's settled then; we are meeting up Wednesday after school at the Apple's farm," Twilight proclaimed.

The girls talked amongst each each other, excited for the pet play date. Sunset didn't have pet, but that wouldn't stop her from enjoying time with her girlfriends.

Sunset felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Flash behind her, his guitar strapped to his back. 

"Hey if you're done eating, do you want to come with me? I have something to show you," Flash said, trying not to smile.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. She turned around and grabbed her backpack from underneath the table. She said her goodbyes to the girls and turned toward Flash again. "Ok, let's go."

Flash grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the cafeteria. Once they were out of the busy area, he broke out into into a run, still pulling Sunset by the hand. He turned into another hallway and stopped in front of a familiar area. It was right in front of Sunset's locker.

"Um. Wow, what a... surprise?" Sunset said, confused.

Flash quickly turned toward her locker and quickly turned the dial, unlocking her locker. Sunset was a little surprised to see that Flash had paid attention to the little details, such as her locker combination. He opened her locker and grabbed Sunset's guitar out of it. He handed it to her, and started to run once again. Of course, Sunset didn't have any issue keeping, but she was trying to be cautious to not break her instrument. Flash stopped once again in front of the room the Rainbooms and other school bands used for rehearsals. He opened the door for Sunset, letting her enter first. She look around the room in awe. The room had been completely renovated. The walls had brand new panels, and there were brand new tables and chairs set up. There was even a mini recording studio in the back, complete with sound board and a closed off recording booth. Sunset was truly shocked.

"Do you like it?" Flash asked.

"I love it. They did a great job with the set up. It was about time they updated the music room," Sunset said, still admiring the room.

"Well don't just stand there. Let's try out the new equipment," Flash said walking over to plug in his guitar. 

Sunset did the same. She sat on a nearby table while Flash sat on a bar stool. She closed her eyes, and let her fingers pick at the chords. She started to speed up the tempo and Flash joined in. That was one of their little cheesy couple powers: they always knew how to play their music together in perfect harmony with no previous practice. Sunset started to hum  along to her favorite song. Flash just played the guitar, because he knew he had the voice of sloth hitting puberty. 

Sunset took a deep breath, keeping her eyes closed. She could be here forever. Just playing her guitar.  

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